Friday, October 19, 2018

Gift Economy - Suelo's TEDx talk

[As of today (March 11, 2019), I finally published the edited written transcript of the TEDx talk, with slides, on my website: 

Suelo's TEDx talk & Transcript: GIFT ECONOMY: Domestic to Wild, Creation to Recreation, Immaturity to Adulthood

Yeah, I know, I'm past due for another blog entry.  Hold on to your hats for a few more days.]

Hey! My TEDx talk from 9 months ago in Grand Junction, Colorado is finally published! I seriously thought they hadn't posted it because my talk wasn't up to par (and I was actually quite ok and kind of relieved about that).

I just listened to this for the first time and realize it isn't as clearly presented and woven together as I wanted it to be. But I can forgive myself since I had been asked to do this talk only a day and a half before! And I tried to fit decades of what I'd learned into 20 minutes. Also excuse the poor sound quality and slide presentation, as they were having technical difficulties that day.

For a longer and more in-depth examination of some of the ideas in this TEDx talk, see my presentation from 2017, "The Physics and Spirituality of Gift Economy" (transcript here):