Wednesday, November 27, 2019


I'm giving no opinions or suggestions here, and I'm not telling people how to live or how to eat. I'm simply presenting facts and basic observation.  All I can do is trust your intelligence and your conscience to do as you see fit with this:

Meditate on each photo here.

Domestic humans and big ag livestock now account for 96 Percent of mammal biomass on earth.

Everyone else is going extinct, day by day.

means owned,
not autonomous,
not free.

The root of domestication, DOM, indicates ownership, subjugation. slavery, housed in a box, DOM-ination.

(ownership, subjugation) is the very premise and foundation of the money system, of commerce.

Commerce cannot rest until every living being on earth is not free (even as it sells the idea of "freedom").

Even the definition of a weed
is a plant that is free, autonomous, not domesticated, meaning undesirable.

“Wild and free” is redundant. “Wild” and “free” are synonyms.

To the domestic mind, wild means "undesirable, frightening, barbaric."


Ah, irony.