Thursday, March 20, 2008

We're God's Crap Game


Happy Spring Equinox!  It's finally warming up!  The sun crossed the equator at 11:48 pm last night and I spent it around a fire with good friends a couple houses up the Colorado River from my house-sit at Roberta's & Michael's.

I haven't house-sit much this winter, staying mostly at the canyon cave.  I sometimes crash at the warehouse of  my friend, Val (Moab's teepee maker).

I feel a grand sense of community in Moab this time around. A growing freegan spirit is happening. One example: my new friends, Brer & Haila, have gotten Free Meal going (based on the Food Not Bombs model) - free food for anybody. It has created new community, real people, love. No club or organization can create such realness & friendship like simple, free food. True Communion.

The Cave

It was a colder winter than usual, but the cave was quite warm!  Lots of folks think I'm totally hard-core caving the winter way up the canyon.   Most the "caves" up that canyon are really alcoves, the beginnings of arches, & I've stayed in those in the past.  But presently I stay in an actual cleft in the face of a cliff, going back about 20 feet, 5 ft wide & a 5-foot high ceiling.  There are Anasazi petroglyphs nearby, even one of a pushmepullya big horn sheep.  The cave is south-facing, high on a ledge, a natural solar collector.  I could often sun-bathe naked there in January even as Moabites below shivered in their boxes.  And I rigged a little wood stove from a large tin, with tin cans for a flew, for cooking.  It's efficient.  A couple sticks cook a meal & make the cave blazing warm.  And at night I put plastic over the tear-drop-shaped opening.  I really haven't even had to use the stove for heating.  I never had to get totally into my sleeping bag all winter long.  My coldest times this winter were at house-sits in town.

My Neighbors

I have a pack-rat neighbor in a cave above me.  And a few weeks ago there was a newcomer in the neighborhood - a ringtail cat!  He's probably the reason I haven't been plagued by mice all winter.  He actually tried to move into the cave, making a den in a back cubbyhole while I was gone for a couple days.  I discovered him in the deep of night in the cave making noise, & was relieved to find he wasn't a packrat.  But after we had a stare-down for a few minutes, I reluctantly shoed him out of the cave.  If he didn't leave token turds & pee puddles, I'd accept him as a room-mate.
I've also had canyon wrens try to move in. 
Ah, the feeling of hearing the melancholy canyon wren song heralding in the rising sun!

Some of my other neighbors are chipmunks & rock squirrels, spiders, scorpions (quite harmless), sand lizards, and, unfortunately, a few blood-sucking kissing bugs.
And there are bob cats, coyotes, & a cougar that make their rounds, leaving tracks.  Only once did I ever see a bob cat and a coyote up there, but never that stealth cougar.  And I spot pygmy owls, hawks, occasional golden eagles, & of course ravens.
Oh, yeah, a colony of honey bees moved into a mini cave right above mine, too!  They're just awaking for the spring. And there's a colony of fascinating ground bees nearby, too!

Free Fire, Stolen Fire

Ah, the perfect balance!  Everybody freely eats and is eaten, freely gives and freely takes.  Everything is peaceful, even the violence, because nobody worries that somebody else has it better or worse than themselves.  The violence I witness doesn't eat at the soul like the violence in civilization.

See the fundamental of life hardly anybody notices:  Everybody on earth gets energy from the sun.  Everybody, the just and the unjust. Even the energy running this computer comes from the sun.  And the sun demands nothing back.  Nothing.  All energy is totally, freely given - that is, until it falls into human hands!  That's called Stealing Fire From Heaven, the  universal myth describing what separates us from Nature, makes us fall from Balance.  Our unique ability to control fire symbolizes our unique control of Credit and Debt. This is the Fire Serpent, the Trickster Seraph who brings consciousness of Credit and Debt. He's called Promethius (Forethought) with his twin Epimethius (Afterthought). He is Ego, who dwells everywhere but in the Present Mind. 

We're God's Crap Game

We've become thieves - ungrateful, stingy, possessive, control freaks. Why have we forgotten that everything we get is gift, that by Chance we are blessed? As even the Bible, worshipped by the self-righteous, says:

"The race is not to the swift,
Nor the battle to the strong,
Nor bread to the wise,
Nor riches to men of understanding,
Nor favor to men of skill;
But time and chance happen to them all."
(The Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:11)

I love Einstein, but dare say that genius was wrong when he said God does not throw dice. God IS the throw of the dice and the thrower of the dice! The day we trust ourselves to the throw of the dice is the day we truly realize Faith. Truly we are Evolution, the product of the dice throw, conforming to the Creator's Image! And we are utter fools, whether we are scientists or religious, if we don't see this Total Miracle! Yes, in the dice is the unbreakable link between science & religion.

"The dice are cast into the lap,
But their every decision is from Yahweh."
(Proverbs 16:33)

And fools indeed are those of us who, by CHANCE might be intelligent or wealthy, and have the gall to look down on others, calling them moochers and parasites!  Get this: our ingratitude has gotten so comically absurd we even bottle water and sell it, and we EVEN lock up our trash bins so no hungry urchin dare snatch even a crumb falling by chance off the table of our Slave Trade!  And our Taskmasters (our Politicians & Religious Leaders & Business Leaders) have the gall to call us free!  Why don't we get it?  We insist we can finally balance everything with our our control games, our money, and we just can't.  Not ever.

I say "we" because we are all partakers, and nothing will ever change if we don't take responsibility for our actions, not somebody else's actions. The illness of one cell is the illness of the whole body.

Only trusting the throw of the dice can bring balance, can bring about the Naturally Select, the Elect of Jah.


  1. Wow I'm so inspired to find your blog. I've been dreaming about your lifestyle for a while, though i still am paying off student loans.
    I also couldn't help but think you might find this site interesting. I've done a wilderness retreat with Jeff the founder in arizona. In any case his lifestyle and spirituality seems pretty similar to yours.

  2. I'm inspired that you're inspired, & I feel sparkling gratitude looking at your link. About your loan preventing you from walking free, and loans enslaving most fellow americans, there's an ethical solution brewing, but I'm still waiting for the right time to release it; are we ready for it? Tho I think it makes perfect sense, is perfectly simple, it may be way controversial, challenging in practice (not just words) the very foundation of our civilization! And it is based on all ancient religious traditions, starting with our very own! Thus, it appeals to our deepest Zeal. That's the pristine beauty of it. Maybe I'm waiting for my mind to be pure to be able to present it with grace. And maybe I'm waiting because I lack courage still. Maybe I'm waiting for more people to be as excited about zero currency as I am!

  3. I enjoyed reading your post! You are living your life in harmony just as we humans are meant to. Greed has gotten in our way, but how you live your life is an excellent example of what could be if could had compassion, faith and trust.

    I would love to come out and spend a night in the canyon with you.

    The nurse

  4. Its the second anonymous poster again... I do hope an ethical solution is in sight for people hoping to dig there way out of excessive debt.

    Regarding your ethical solution I couldn't help but think of your idea of religion as a trojan horse. Makes me think of religion like a seed that has been sown but hasn't quite sprouted yet. Perhaps we are getting closer to this happening?

    Best Wishes,

  5. Yes! And like all seeds, it works best when it grows in its own time, in season. My temptation is to push it along.

  6. Hello Suelo, I really enjoy your Emails. I am still in Eugene sleeping in my tent in a swamp with thousand of frogs letting me know they are there. Have been thinking of the time we had together, hope we can meet up again if it's supposed to happen. I have learned to take life day by day cause sometimes things change sometimes they don't but it's good to be aware of the unexpected. being ok with it. Love ya brother thanks again.

  7. I recently found, and just finished reading your blog here and I love it. For the last year or so I've been thinking about the idea of a commerce and trade-free world and how much better off humanity would be without any form of transactionalism and it's nice to know I'm not alone.

  8. I'm glad I stumbled in.

    All people must die, and clinging to gifts given, or "earned" is foolish.

    I read a book called "Somebodies and Nobodies", that was pretty good for people like me, tethered in householder status (in my mind?) but wanting an ethical start to getting off the treadmill of us vs. them.

    How to be an honorable leader.....even if you only lead yourself?

    It's quite a jump for me right now, to abandon all desire to make money (I've been unemployed for awhile and am back in school to be a nurse) but eventually I'd like to be a holistic nurse, not a "bread-winner".

    When the time is right?
