Saturday, May 18, 2013

Red Cry

I'm still in Vermont, planning to start heading west in June to the Rainbow Gathering in Montana, where I am committed to be for the launch of the moneyless tribe, inshallah.  I'll probably either hitch or find a ride with somebody already going.  I'm hoping to be at the Gathering at least by July 1st, and plan to put up a sign of our location, saying "Moneyless Tribe" at the Welcome Home spot.  It's not really a "Rainbow" thing.  That's just the best place I know of to launch the tribe - the best place, perhaps the perfect place, to show up without money.  The moneyless tribe is open to anybody who will give up all money to their name and take the plunge with me, in a wandering, ecumenical concensus-led community for the purpose of doing free service as well as raising awareness.  Having no house and no money to fall back on should select out the non-committed, and instill what faith really feels like.  It could be a big group, or small.  We don't know, and that's what makes this exciting.  If your inspiration turns out to be greater than your fear, you will come, and it is for you.  More details later.

Red Cry

I'm not blogging much this post.  I want to devote it to our Lakota Truth Tour documentary, Red Cry (1 hour, 52 min.) 

At last, the full version of the incendiary doc, Red Cry, created by my friends Carolyn Raleigh, Doug Blessington, Naomi Archer, featuring all Lakota voices, including my Lakota friends, Ohitika Naji (Leo), Canupa, Charmaine White Face, Pedro and Cassie, among others.  It's showing that the  genocide is happening today. It's been shown to mostly-packed audiences across the country on the Lakota's Truth Tour I participated in the past weeks. 

It's free, not to be sold, so spread it wherever & however you can!

Another Moneyless Guy You Ought to Know About

As a bonus, I'm posting a link to the delightful video (5 min. 25 sec.) about my money-free friend across the pond, elf Pavlik: 

elf Pavlik - Strictly Moneyless

(It's a vimeo video, so I haven't figured out how to embed it here)


  1. I started the Peace Walk life Yesterday. I am joining you asap. I am in Jupiter, Fl right now. Any advice?

  2. Daniel - is there a post office in Moab where I could mail you something?


  3. Thanks for shating the movie,Suelo.I wonder if the people can find a low cost way to get the uranium pits coovered and plant a shelter belt of trees to minimize the amount of radioactive dust they are exposed to.Anyway i wish them the best.

  4. Thank you for sharing this and for what you are doing! I feel a Rainbow call to be there, to share in all WITH all who See. I've got the movie waiting until morn' but plan to blast it out as far as the Universe will let me reach.

    Blessings & Gratitude,

  5. Hey Suelo, I haven't been able to get internet in a long time, and it's amazing that this project you've been talking about for a little while now, has really taken off! That's great. I don't have the type of internet access where I can watch the film, but I hope to do so whenever I get the first opportunity.

    It's sad to hear some of your bad moments on the reservation, but it's also great that you pulled through. Thanks for your brave honesty.

  6. I've just discovered your blog, and after reading the latest entries, I feel as though I'm right there with you. Your attitude is inspiring and your honesty is comforting. I look forward to your next entry as I play catch up reading your previous posts. Sending love and light to you on your path. :) -Sharee

  7. Suelo,

    Red Cry message received and sent. Thank YOU!

    See you in Montana!

  8. i would have loved to be there for the opening of your moneyless tribe i am actually about to start a indefinate hitchhiking trip so i have less bills= less need for money. i can't make it to rainbow gathering this time because i am just now really noticing it. well i would still love to join your group and get some hands on training on how to live this way. if there is a way to contact you let me know!
