Thursday, June 06, 2013

Moneyless Tribe Update

I'm still in Connecticut, hitching west starting this Saturday - getting a late start.  I have to be in Billings, Montana by June 20th to meet a British film crew there, hopefully hooking up with a moneyless friend or two on the way.  

I'm feeling very grateful to my friends, Michael, Sarika, and baby Satya, for hosting me in Vermont, and to my friends, Gordon, Kay, and baby Mazzie, for hosting me in Connecticut.

Now it's to the Rainbow Gathering (inshallah) to launch the moneyless tribe.

(The exact location of the Gathering in Montana is not yet determined, probably not until the middle of this month).   

I'm likely not going to have much computer time for a while, so this'll be the last post for maybe some time.  

Posting about the Moneyless Tribe

I posted about the moneyless tribe in the Fellowship for Intentional Community ( website, copying it here:

Community Forming Suelo Posted On 5/29/2013, Last Updated On 5/30/2013
A wandering moneyless tribe! Sharing in community my experience living without money for 12 years. To be launched at the 2013 Montana Rainbow Gathering. We are accepting folks willing to give up all money, and also looking for communities we can be of free service to on our migratory path and to network with.
Two-fold mission:
1) Practice gift economy by not having, accepting, or using money, freely giving and receiving, offering free services to individuals, towns, organic farms, intentional communities, churches, ashrams, monasteries along its migratory path.
2) Raise awareness by activist example, (eg, challenging concepts of private property and returning stolen lands to native people’s stewardship, reducing stress on the environment and ending dependence on corporate trade and exploitation of "third world" populations).

Prerequisite to join us: give up all money to your name, not taking or using it, to fully grasp the meaning of walking by faith (courage).

It is to run by consensus, to be ecumenical, to practice and bring to light the forgotten principles of the world's spiritual traditions (giving up possessions, doing for the sake of doing rather than for future reward).
Email Address:  
Web Address:

Other Miscellaneous Details about the Tribe

Since it is to run on consensus, all ideas here may be subject to change, depending on what our group wants.  

I envision us networking with intentional communities, organic farms, churches, ashrams, monasteries, towns and cities, etc., that welcome us, allowing us the gift of providing our free services (in whatever field).

Migrating to intentional communities can provide a kind of bloodline connecting communities across the land, instilling gift economy, keeping us open-minded to different ways of living, and also provide the option of scoping out communities for settling down to members who find they're no longer up for the migratory life.   

As we gain momentum, I envision more and more churches and regular house-holders in cities and towns offering us places to stay in churches, in private yards, in houses, in community centers, in support of us providing services in their communities. 

In the pay-it-forward system, others can donate food or items they already have on hand (not going out and buying things for us), as well as us collecting excess food at closing time of stores, restaurants, schools, etc., food that would otherwise be thrown out.  

Any services and items we provide are to be freely given, and all services and items we receive are to be freely given, already at hand, not bought or sold.

Beware of Pie-in-the-Sky Dewy Eyes

To anybody thinking about joining, a walking tribe will be very vigorous and unpredictable (though we can accept rides as an exception).  It's not for everybody. 

Group dynamics are difficult in modern culture not accustomed to community.  Modern human community muscles are atrophied, needing to be exercised and developed.  Conflicts and heavy disagreements are bound to arise among us.  

When circumstances get physically difficult and uncomfortable, which is guaranteed, we often find undesirable behaviors arise in ourselves we weren't aware of, and this can give rise to conflict with each other.  If we face this, not running away, with a spirit of patience, tolerance, open mindedness, and utter respect for each other, this will be our opportunity for self development, opportunities to become shining lights and sources of great power.  

But if we find our disagreements become too great, and we feel we must depart, we must also forgive ourselves.  There may be divisions, meaning our organism is then ready to divide into two new communities, each with differing, valid viewpoints.  All life divides and reproduces.  This is natural.


As I've mentioned in previous posts, something in the fore-front of my mind has been our culture's abuse of indigenous peoples, and our need to bring restitution and healing.  

Previously I spoke of one of the missions of our tribe being a walk of repentance, to call for our culture and our nation as a whole to repent and make restitution for what it has done to indigenous peoples, not only in the US, but all over the world.  

I'm envisioning us starting with the Lakotas, going to lands, such as the Black Hills, legally belonging to the Lakota tribe by US treaty (Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868), as well as by Supreme Court decision in 1980 (United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians).  More details on that later.  

But our primary mission is to live by example (the best activism), and in so doing, challenge our culture's ideas of private property and commerce, also reminding our churches of their ancient values (from the very beginning) of living simply, basic sharing ("holding all things in common"), and doing for the sake of doing, not for the sake of profit.  Only then can we understand abundant life.  These are the principles of all the world's religions I've looked into.  Few are challenging our religions to hold to their own most basic principles.  But this isn't going to happen without huge opposition and risk.  

This is about more than returning stolen lands to the Lakota people, but this is a great place to start, a very tangible, concrete object lesson.

Final Warning

This could all be very crazy ideas.  Life is a big crap game, especially in this lifestyle.  Nobody knows the future.  But the miracle of life came about in this great crap game, which I call the mind of God.  And the roll of the dice is what makes it fun, and magical.

Whatever your hand finds to do, 
do it with your might; 
for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.
I returned and saw under the sun 
That the race is not to the swift, 
Nor the battle to the strong, 
Nor bread to the wise, 
Nor riches to people of understanding, 
Nor favor to people of skill; 
But time and chance happen to them all. 
(Ecclesiastes 9:10-11)

To them all!


  1. fascinating.... best of luck to you.

  2. Thank you for being inspirational. I hope to meet and learn from you in person soon. I've sought alternatives for a long time and have gradually adopted the practices you describe, among others. Please let me know if you would like travelling companions west. I am currently in Massachusetts and figuring out how to make it to Montana. Otherwise, I hope very much to see you there.

    Love, nav and drifty

    1. im thinking very hard about it too. i live in new me it seems like suelos way of living is more normal than modern society. i just want to spread love and have real friends and family.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'd truly love to travel with you, navifty. But I have to be in Billings by the 20th, hitching with a friend after IN. 3 or more is hard hitching, unless a miracle ride pops up for us all before tomorrow AM :-)

  3. Isn't the gathering going to be near Deer Lodge? And wasn't it decided?

  4. I've got nothing... no food, no money, no resources, no anything... and now, come Friday, i have no place to stay... i dont have a place to sleep and i dont have any friends or relatives i can turn to for help.

    what else but to starve and freeze at night... :\

    1. My friend. Please realize the following....

      You do not need money
      You do have food
      You do have resources
      You do have a place to stay
      You do have a place to sleep
      You do have friends
      You do have relatives

      When you open your eyes, you will see.

      The trick of 'money' is that it is in all of our heads. All it is, is a piece of paper. But we convince ourselves, and others to convince themselves that money is needed, that without it you have nothing. The system of money runs on fear. Do you see? When you let this go, you will realize, what makes the world go round is people, not money. And we are all part of a whole. Realize that we make reality what we want it to be, so by saying you have nothing, then you have nothing. But that is simply a lie, a lie being actively created into reality by yourself.

      I wish you the best of luck. I can't open your eyes for you, you have to do it on your own.


  5. Peter -

    RJ Thor -
    Sounds really hard & terrifying.
    But this is what you have to work with. Take a deep breath, get centered, and don't despair. Despair closes your mind to possibilities, and it does absolutely no good. Open up to infinite possibilities. Work with what you have - what other choice, except to give up? This your opportunity for great transformation, if you let it. Never give up. Have faith. remember, nothing was ever yours in the first place. All was gifted to you. I'm in New Jersey right now in hitch-hiker's hell with no food, nobody I know, no money. And I have a smile on my face right now.

    1. your faith is amazing my friend.we really never do own anything.....

  6. Faith in yourself and the universe IS the key, Suelo. I've been staging my own little revolt with a roof over my head. Your soul and your instincts are serving you well, my friend. I had a fleeting thought about joining you, but then I remembered...bugs, few showers and pooping outside. Ain't gonna happen. :) My absolute best to you, Daniel.
    xo, SueJ

  7. you plan on getting there at rainbow?.do you intend to stay for awhile as well?

    1. We're hoping to show up Sunday or Monday. Maybe stay a while for clean-up, depending on group consensus.

  8. Are you ever going back to Moab to live? Can someone else stay in the cave there ("your" cave)?

  9. WOW! I read Mark Sundeen's book back in April ... my interest is more in your spiritual path since what was shared in the book. I was going to ask you your thoughts on Islam and holy moly, your most recent post you mention needing to get to Montana (where I live) Inshaallah!! Whoa! That did not totally answer my question (of course) but made me feel happy that you are open to enough to Islam that you would use that word. Anyway, if you are still in Montana and want or plan to spend anytime in Missoula ... you are welcome to space at my place. I can offer some yard work and household stuff I need help with to you in return for the stay. or is that bartering?? It's difficult for me to think in moneyless terms.. please forgive, but the offer stands! :)

    1. Thanks, Rhonda. Not sure yet when we'll arrive in Missoula.
      Check the website for Islamic thoughts & quotes, especially under "Here's the One Point We Know the World's Religions Agree Upon".

    2. I just realized that we sat next to each other Monday night at Be Here Now meditation!!

      Are you still in Missoula?


    3. Funny - were you the one sitting to my left?
      We're still in Missoula for a while.

  10. Had a blast at the rainbow gathering with the tribe. Camped up on the ridge, gorgeous scenery and people!

    The Hungarian documentary crew were super nice as well.

    Might be joining the tribe in a few months, just have to sort out a few things here, but I feel such a magical calling to this it seems insane to do anything else....we shall eh?

    I have pics on my FB page,

    1. So grand to have you camped with us, Tyler. Looking forward to you maybe joining! & Thanks for the pics

  11. Travel safely and have fun. Hope you could make it back to Moab in time for Pride.

  12. question - did any women join the moneyless tribe?

    gina -

  13. If you find yourselves in northeast kansas, you are welcome to stay at my house. Happy journeys! Amy
