Friday, October 25, 2013

Coming and Going of the Moneyless Tribe

I'm back in Moab, Utah!  This blog entry is not my usual - it's pretty much Facebook posts & pics by everybody who joined or met up with the tribe -- a review of the coming and going of the moneyless tribe from early summer until now.  (Most pics taken by Javier, but the 2 group pics taken by Hesna El Ghaoui's Hungarian TV crew, who documented the first two weeks of our tribe).  

I'm still unsure if I'm just on sabbatical for the winter and whether or not the moneyless tribe will revive again, or maybe start totally over again in warmer months.  I need R & R first, then maybe I'll know.

The video teaser at the end with Karl Pilkington, which just came out, brings us full circle to the start, as it was filmed in Billings right before the moneyless tribe began.  And it ends this on a light note.

Chronic Logic of Chronology:

June 17
Made it to Billing, MT. Met up with Phil & Cody! Won't be able to leave to Gathering till the weekendstuff.   It's all too exciting sometimes. Yogi Bud is at main council helping plant the seed of the moneyless tribe. (--Suelo)

I'm at the library here in Billings Montana having a great time! — with Phillip and Daniel Suelo. (--Cody)

July 9
Beaverhead County, MT
So rainbow changed my life, another amazing adventure... Have joined a tribe, the moneyless tribe to be exact. We have left rainbow on foot and 40 miles and two days later we are awesome! Headed to mizzoula.... Not sure where this road will take me but walking it with amazing people for now! Send me love, sending you love!  (--Mika)
Caminando (--Javier) 
 July 15
Learning how to sleep outside, swim in cold water, carry everything I own and eat what God provides! Trusting more with every step and lucky for the community uplifting me! So blessed to be in this journey! Halfway to Missoula and loving it!  (--Mika)

I made it to Darby Montana. It has been a wonderful stay!  (--Cody)

July 17
Yet another happy travelogue. ~
Life is so Good; & The Universe, so kind.
Lovin' You All
— feeling wonderful in Hamilton, MT.  (--Brandon)

So lucky to wake up and rinse in the river, walk four miles and find a huge stash of fresh fruit! Now we are watching an animal show at the park with a lot of kids! What a beautiful day! (--Mika)

The Walking Tribe

July 20
So today I started my solo adventure as I departed Hamilton without the tribe... God is so great and has just showered me with love and gifts! I left Robin, Christian and Knox after a great farmer's market and so much wonderful conversation and friendship forming and a few hours later I ran into Brad on the path and he invited me to stay at his house with his wife and daughter! They have a beautiful home in the trees and fed me great food and strawberries, watermelon, ice cream and m&m's and we talked about faith an love all night! I am blessed beyond words and so happy to be so fully in the most beautiful relationship of my life with my creator! It is amazing to see how I am loved beyond my own comprehension! (--Mika)
Mika, Brandon, Javier, Cody, Suelo, Summer

July 21
Camped behind St. Mary's Mission, the oldest white settlement in Montana.  Stevensville, MT (--Javier) 
Mount Sentinal, MT

July 24
Finally in Missoula after 17 days walking! — at University of Montana. (--Javier)

I made it to Missoula Montana! (--Cody)

Epic walk, so far! Cody, Summer, Brandon, Javier and I walked into Missoula, MT today! Mika walked here earlier on her own & might be here still. Where we're staying, what we'll be doing? Mostly unknown... infinite possibilities. But I am hoping to be at Mark Sundeen's & Cedar Brant's wedding this weekend while we're here. And I'm looking forward to spending time with Katie, among others. — in Missoula, MT.  (--Suelo)

Suelo, Brandon, Javier in Missoula

July 31
Still in Missoula, looking to build bicycles and likely head to South Dakota on bikes. Things took a strange turn the past 2 days. Summer had to go to Portland for mouth surgery, and Cody decided to escort her there. They just messaged & said they plan to come back later. Then Bʀandon had to leave today to help his family, & won't be back for a month. So it's just Javier & me right now. Several other people want to join us.
If folks come while we're in Missoula, they can also build free bikes for themselves. Otherwise, folks who want to join the moneyless tribe & are able to find & bring a bike, that would be grand. But don't let that stop you if you can't! We'll make due with whatever happens, whatever we have, and also put it out there for folks to donate bikes if needed.
— in Missoula, MT.

Aug 6
'Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."' {Gospel of Thomas, Saying 3}
[['Dijo Jesús: «Si aquellos que os guían os dijeren: Ved, el Reino está en el cielo, entonces las aves del cielo os tomarán la delantera. Y si os dicen: Está en la mar, entonces los peces os tomarán la delantera. Mas el Reino está dentro de vosotros y fuera de vosotros. Cuando lleguéis a conoceros a vosotros mismos, entonces seréis conocidos y caeréis en la cuenta de que sois hijos del Padre Viviente. Pero si no os conocéis a vosotros mismos, estáis sumidos en la pobreza y sois la pobreza misma».'  {Evangelio de Tomás, Dicho 3}]]

Aug 10
Javier & I decided to cycle west when we're done building bikes, maybe head to OR, then southward. We're postponing S Dakota for a future time when more tribe is together again, when it can be more effective.  I've been feeling empowered again since letting go my attachment to SD. — in Missoula, MT.  (--Suelo)

Aug 23
After meeting so many great people and having so many great experiences on a long journey across the Northern US: Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Bismark, The Badlands, Billings, The Montana National Rainbow Gathering, Missoula, Coeur dA'lene, Spokane, and even into Portland. The Washington wilderness and farmlands are calling, and I have answered- I have decided I am going to stay in the Southwest Washington State/Battle Ground and Clark County areas. I'm going to be keeping heavy travel to a minimum for time to come (with a few exceptions for family and necessity of course). Thanks again Daniel Suelo, Brandon Kiss, Mika Raw, Javier, and Ell Bee for the great times we shared on the Road. If anyone ever wants to meet back up let me know and I'll be more than happy to see that it happens!  (--Cody)

Sept 9
Javier - leaving Missoula
Out of Missoula, Montana, on our way to Portland, Oregon. Nine days of bicycle travel so far, riding thru the Paradise-St. Regis Scenic Byway and the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes, among other wonderful landscapes... — with Daniel Suelo in Plummer, ID. (--Javier)
Garden of 1000 Buddhas, MT
St. Regis
Javier on Hiawatha Trail, MT
Suelo on Hiawatha Trail, MT

Sept 11
Last night spent the night near (I won't say right in-) the Steptoe Butte Park surrounded by coyotes howling at the moon, a raccoon sniffing through our provisions, and a pissed off deer huffing and stomping at our intrusion into his territory. This last bit was particularly hair-raising!  (--Javier)

Steptoe Butte, WA

Wallace, ID
Javier & I are in Colfax, WA, bicycling to Portland. Should be there in a couple or so weeks. A couple or more folks plan to join our moneyless tribe in Portland. (--Suelo)

 Sept 15
Always apples galore
Beauteous biking so far with Javier. Gonna roll down the Columbia River. Hoping to be in Portland before the 25th — in Kennewick, WA. (--Suelo)
Oaksdale (?), WA

Sept 20
Javier's birthday.  Suelo happened to find a cake-decorating packet of candy words saying "Happy Birthday", which  he put on some donuts he'd found.

Sept 28
Dumpster Stir Fry
In Portland! (--Suelo)

Sauteed these veggies up and had a delicious $0 meal. How is it $0 you might ask? All of it came out of trash bags in a dumpster behind a restaurant here in portland. One mans trash is another mans treasure. Living high on the hog! (--Derek)
27 days bicycling (--Javier) 

Oct 1
Chillin in the PDX (--Derek)

Oct 3
I'm reading and speaking tonight, and Daniel Suelo will join us on the phone. 
Thursday, October 3 at 7:00pm
You were invited by Shari Zollinger 
(--Mark Sundeen) 

Oct 5
The rangers came and respectfully booted us out of our camp and asked if we had enough resources, letting us know the city of Portland has plenty of help for the homeless. Lol. ¡Soy un valor perdido que camina por las calles! (--Javier)

A group of 'do-gooders' pulling up non-native ivy spotted Javier, Derek & I camping by the river & called in law enforcement. The haves' inconvenience of thought - the have-nots' upheaval of basic human need: story as old as civilization. Our sign to cut Portland short & bike outta here today while no rain. We're free, worth more than any house. — at Oaks Bottom / Springwater Trail. (--Suelo)

I'm in the Chicago area, travelling, moneyless, searching for flying bison. (--Summer)

Oct 7
My friends Javier, Derek & I decided to part ways (I miss you guys already), put the moneyless tribe on hold for the winter or indefinitely. I need a sabbatical. It's all been fun & magical, but hard. I'm off to my friend Tim's in Redmond, OR, then to Utah... I think. — in Sandy, OR. (--Suelo)

Now traveling from Portland to San Francisco! (--Javier)

Oct 13
Made it over the Cascades through pouring rains & hostile car & property owners & bronchial sickness and earthly beauty, now at Tio Zo & Logan White's house... I think heading to CO & UT! Missing my moneyless tribe fam (parted physically for now), feeling Portland vanquished us prematurely... friends I couldn't see or hang out with, circumstances beyond control. A crazy beautiful hard and fun and angry and sad and joyous and disappointingly defeating and magically triumphal last half year of sun come to a close. All as it should be, contrary to expectation, but all tells me this is right & I'm in sweet sad peace. — in Redmond, OR. — in Redmond, OR. (--Suelo)
Oct 18
Believe it or not, I arrived late last night to Pete's house in Moab! I was cycling from Portland & thought I wouldn't be here for weeks. But my friends Dustin & Kyle happened to be coming this way & gave me & the bike a ride from Tio Zo & Logan White's house in Redmond, OR. Yeah, the moneyless tribe and my expectations fell apart. But it feels a mystical conspiracy brought me back here, so here I am... unsure, frazzled, but at peace. — in Moab.  (--Suelo)

Oct 23
Hey, that's me with Karl Pilkington at 31sec, last June in Billings, MT. We're sporting coats we just found (when Karl was cold) & eating a pie we found right after Karl said he wouldn't be convinced until we found "pudding". Somebody out there with TV watch it for me ;-)  (--Suelo)


  1. As my grandmother always said, the best part of any trip is coming home. Don't feel bad that it didn't turn out as you had hoped for. You can just do your best and the rest is up to God. Semper fi, SFT

  2. Received your book last Thursday. Just can't wait to read it.

    Have a good trip, with a lot of good energies. A big hug from Portugal :)

  3. Hooray! So happy to see you post again! I check every day just in case. :-) Thanks for the news, I hope all is well. --Alexa

  4. Hi Suelo - so happy you're back in Moab all safe and sound ! I check your site every day too looking for any spiritual crumbs you might scatter behind you and getting the latest scoop. Have you re-visited your cave yet and wiped out all the cobwebs? or has the spiral cat been house-sitting for you? haha - gina

    1. The ringtail 'cat' didn't house-sit this time, but the packrat moved in! Had to clear out her nest and torch out the needles, turds, bugs & microbes, without guilt but with a bit of sadness for her & everybody there. But packrat wasn't in there at the time.

  5. haha - well, miracles will happen for the now "homeless" packrat just as they do for you and the rest of us during the times when we're seemingly void of all resources and feeling scared and helpless. So - happy homemaking and I think it's time for a cave-warming party ! gina a/k/a gina-bear (i just made that up - and I like it way too much ! I'm scaring myself !

  6. I love following you on here Daniel. You have taught me a great deal. God bless you and guide you and increase you.
    I came across this story and felt i wanted to share. Peace


    I kept the company of a brother in din (religion) in the wilderness
    until we broke off from people and started living in a cave
    hoping that Allah would open for us the spiritual blessings
    which He opens for His friends (awliya').
    We stayed there in the cave saying to each other
    that perhaps this Friday Allah will make us
    among His special friends or perhaps this month.
    But, Allah did not open any spiritual doors for us.
    We were in this state when an old man showed up
    at the door of the cave asking us permission to enter.
    We granted him permission and he entered
    giving his greeting of salam. We asked him,
    'Who are you?' And he replied, 'I am a slave of the King.'
    And with this we knew that he was among
    the special close friends of Allah and we asked him,
    'How is your state?'
    And he instead asked us repeatedly as if blaming us,
    'How is your state?' And then he said,
    'How is the state of him who says to himself
    that perhaps this Friday I will become a special friend of Allah
    or perhaps this month?
    There will be no special divine friendship (for such a person),
    nor any prosperity, nor good things in this world,
    and nor good things in the next world.
    Will you two not just worship Allah in sincerity for His sake
    as He has ordered you? He has said:
    'I have not created the jinn nor man except to worship Me.
    [{al-Qur'an 51:56}].'
    He then left us and we recognized our mistake
    and realized that Allah sent him to us as mercy.
    I then returned to my self in blame and said to it,
    'O my self, who are you,
    what is your great action, and what is your worth?
    You amount to nothing.
    Then, we made repentance
    and asked for forgiveness from Allah Most High.
    Afterwards, Allah opened for us the door
    (which we were seeking)
    due to His generosity and bounty.

    - Abul Hasan al-Shadhili -

    1. Thanks Abul - that was nice. We have a gift in Suelo and in each other. We just come to the stream (this blog!) and drink every day. So peaceful. So refreshing. I send out big love and hugs to you all and dream of the day I will put a backpack on and just walk away with "no purse or script" in hand and wander as a spiritual pilgrim - gina

    2. Infinite gratitude!

      'Let the People of the Book recognize
      that they have no control over the Grace of Allah;
      That Grace [Gratis] is in His hands alone,
      and that He vouchsafes it to whom He will.
      Allah's Grace [Gratis] is infinite.'
      (Quran 57:29)

      'I will not serve God like a laborer,
      in expectation of my wages.'
      --Rabia al-Adawiya

  7. Good Morning my fellow spiritual pilgrims - the Quote for the Day is: "All good things are wild and free" -

    Henry David Thoreau

    Enjoy this beautiful day - simply existing is spectacular ! - gina

  8. Hi Suelo

    I read your post last night and then turned the telly on. Guess what was on - the episode that you mention with you and Karl Pilkington and I tuned in right at the point where he introduces you. Synchronistic or what ? I was disappointed that he decided not to sleep out with you. All the best.


  9. Dear Suelo...

    What do you imagine you would choose if you were not permitted to live off the land? I feel your lifestyle is one we all would be wise to adopt, but seeing the increased infringements limiting choice and freedom ( as if ) I have trouble seeing how enough people could fly under the radar this way before such efforts were shut down. A few choosing to buck the system may be tolerated, but en masse, by choice or necessity???? I live in a fairly tolerant community relative to allowing "homeless" a place to rest, and yet as more are facing this reality, the temperature is heating up and there is more opposition. I'm curious what you sense is happening, relative to the choice you have thus far been able to make, to live as you do. My pessimism as to the state of affairs in this world is quite high. I'd love a sober perspective from you. Clearly it is this day at hand that is to be addressed, but do you imagine a choice to live as you do is one many more will be able to make as the days unfold?

    Bless us all!!!

    1. I can't tell everyone to live as I do. And I can't lay out plans for a just society. Nobody can. This isn't really about living without money, or thinking up a new system. It is simply about being authentic. All I can say is follow your conscience, i.e. be completely real. Then see what follows automatically. If everyone did this, start following their consciences rather than what they are paid or ordered to do, I propose that our commercial system would collapse, because its very foundation is ulterior motivation, requiring its citizens to be fake.
      What happens if you are real? What happens if you proclaim, "I am who I am," the holy name? You will step out of sleepy comfort and be up against great hostility. It's not an easy path, outwardly, but it's the easiest path overall - the only healthy and restful and happy one inwardly, because there is no conflict of conscience in you. Think about it, all the rights people now have and take for granted were originally illegal, opposed by the powers that be. All your rights were brought to you by people who stood their ground being authentic. Your rights were not voted into place through the system, they were fought for by people standing firm, opposed by the system. When you stand your ground, after they test you with persecution, they must finally back off.
      Nothing inauthentic, based on illusion, can last. It must collapse, as every commercial system in history has. All that will be left is your authentic foundation, if you cultivate it now.

  10. Hi all, the quote I've chosen for this day is: “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”
    ― Paramahansa Yogananda
    I guess this is my perspective on Elisabeth's comment above (although I chose the quote before checking this blog!) Anyways, I'm sure you are correct in that there would be (or WILL be more opposition as more and more souls choose the same path as Suelo - but "who cares" is what I say because my forever mantra is "in the end, we are ALL going to die anyways - so why worry about anything - just be the best person you can be every day and whatever else happens - happens. Whatever it is - it's temporary. You can't take anything with you other than your spiritual progression so - for me - that's where my focus and interest lies. Other than that - in terms of this "world" I don't give a shit. I just want to work on being the best person I can be every day while chiseling away daily at my own selfishness and vanity - making a conscious effort to help others in whatever way I can. My thought is - what else is there?? - love to all - gina

  11. Hey I'm curious - is Summer still traveling moneyless on her own? What about Javier? What about everyone else that broke off from the tribe? Are they out doing the moneyless thing singlularly? just wondering - gina

  12. Hi,
    I enjoyed the book and I'm really please you exist and are able to get your message out. In 1973 I lost my money and passport in India and had to live off the generosity of others for 2 months, and though at times I got down, at others the whole weight of life came off me. I ran into 2 men who were travelling the world, going without money wherever they wanted, and they were so much at ease about it, I was astonished. there must be many people out there living such free lives, but it takes a lot of courage and confidence. I was going to say good luck, but you don't need it, the world will provide when you are really receptive and in need. Ian

  13. Hi Ian - thanks for sharing your story - I enjoyed it -

    I too am thankful Daniel exists - he's just so freakin cool ! Nice to know there are others out there that we don't even know about living the moneyless weightless life - gina

  14. I look forward to meeting you someday Jacob - I dream of becoming a wanderer - peace - bliss - weightlessness - pure spirit. I earned my bachelors, did the corporate world thing, saw and felt enough to know I want nothing of its fakery (sp?). I will be 50 years old in May and that fact means nothing to me. I am spirit. Spirit does not age. I love you all. gina

  15. I just started "The Man Who Quit Money" and I can't put it down - love it. It sparkles with truth. Thank you Daniel for living it and sharing it and thank you Mark Sundeen for writing it down. When I'm done with this one I will start "The Moneyless Manifesto" by Mark Boyle. I love you guys and you are my inspiration and joy as the moneyless life beckons my soul and begs me to it. hugs - gina

  16. I'm two-thirds of the way through "The Man who Quit Money". I know I love a book when I start to slow down on purpose so it doesn't have to end . . . I can only hope and pray for a sequel some day - gina (I'm starting to get really lonely on this site!)
