
Friday, March 31, 2006

My Summary of Why I Live Moneyless

Happy April Fool's Eve!

My very first blog entry ever!

I once had a website on living moneyless - but then zapped it, for several reasons--primarily because of doubts about my path, and the gnawing feeling it was running away on an ego trip.

Right now I live around Moab, Utah, where I stay in the canyon, and also in a back-yard treehouse in town, as well as house-sit for folks. But, for the past 5 years, I have also wandered around the entire USA, hitching & train-hopping. Manna from heaven - that's where it's at.

I gave up every cent to my name in the first year of George W. Bush's reign, the first year of this millenium.

What made me start living moneyless? Actually, I lived moneyless, without Thought of Credit & Debt, when I was born. This way of life is the nature and desire of children. Any child or young person I talk to, not yet too programmed by the Man, thinks it's cool. Mixed with my kid instincts, I grew up in an Evangelical Christian home. I took my religion seriously. But I eventually started wondering why professed Christians rarely follow the teachings of Jesus - namely the Sermon on the Mount, namely giving up possessions, living beyond Credit & Debt--freely giving & freely taking--giving, expecting nothing in return, forgiving all debts, owing nobody a thing, living beyond payback of either evil-for-evil or good-for-good, living and walking without guilt (debt), without grudge (debt), without judgement (credit & debt), living by Grace, by Gratis, not by our own works but by the works of the true Nature flowing through us. As I grew older, I started learning that these principles of Christianity were also the principles of every religion I studied - Taoism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikkhism, Islam, Mormonism, Shamanism, Paganism, etc. (Despite the institutionalized bastardizations of Christianity and each of these other religions, despite each of these religions selling their Spirit for 30 pieces of silver). These principles are the very principles of Nature, "the Law written on every heart." And you know it. Did not Jesus use the examples of the ravens, lilies, rain raining on the just & unjust, sparrows, seeds, and our own hearts, to drive home these points?

However, this brought me to a point where I was sick of studying & blabbing about religion & philosophy, because I did not, could not, practice them. Nobody did, nobody could. Then I entered a phase of cynicism, bitterness, spiraling into clinical depression, & disdain for all religion and talk of things spiritual, disdain for conceptions of God.

I had lived in Denver & Boulder, Colorado, and decided I was sick of the rat race. So I gave up my job and moved to Moab, Utah. I eventually started realizing that the only way to overcome depression was to simplify my thoughts, let them go. This is Buddhism 101, the inevitable result of anybody wanting to heal. And then I realized my stuff was also my thoughts. As I let go of useless thoughts, I let go of useless possessions. And as I let go of useless possessions, I found more and more that I needed less and less. It was not an effort, but more like a tree dropping its leaves or seeds. And with my possessions, possessions of thoughts and stuff and people, flew away my depression. But this odyssey continued to go even deeper.

Every time I made a resume for a job, signed my name to a document, opened a bank account, or even bought a banana at the supermarket, I felt a tinge of dishonesty, like I was not letting my yes be yes and my no be no. Yup, you know what I am talking about. Everybody does. I was becoming supersensitive to this basic knowledge. Even the slightest seed of dishonesty was just that--a seed. One seed can populate the mind, the whole earth. One dark eye can darken the whole body, the entire universe!

One year I went to Alaska with my 2 friends, Leslie & Mel, in their van & spent the late spring, summer, and early fall there. At first I worked on the docks. But none of it felt honest. So I quit and decided to go on a solo pack trip and try to live off the land for a few weeks. Lo & behold, I ran into a Basque dude named Ander who was also toying with thoughts of living off the land. So that's what we did. We speared fish, ate mushrooms & berries, and lived very well. Then we hit the road, hich-hiking, and realized how generous people were, and were astonished at the plethora of magical "coincidences" that kept happening to us. Eventually we split up and I decided to hitch all the way back to Moab, Utah, with $50 in my pocket, just to see if I could. When I arrived in Moab, I had $25 left. Then I realized I had only used money for things I didn't need, like snacks and a beer. For the first time, I was seriously realizing I could live totally moneyless.

I was also thinking about the concept of the world's debts, banking, corporations, war, and poverty. "Forgive us our debts, even as we forgive our debtors" began to be my constant mantra. For I was realizing, more and more, that there really isn't a line of division between physical debt and spiritual debt. One comes with the other, as one Siamese twin comes with another. I knew, from gradually becoming liberated from clinical depression, that mental debts, called guilt & vengeance, were inextricably linked with physical debts. And mental debts are also inextricably linked with physical disease. And compassion does not judge debtors but forgives them, just as healers don't judge the sick but heal them, make them whole, accept them as a whole. The love of money, the attachment to Credit and Debt, truly is the root of all evil, all dis-ease.

I became fascinated with Hindu Sadhus, who wander in India without money and possessions. I wanted to become one. A couple years after my Alaska odyssey, I went to India with a close friend, Michael. Actually, since we'd gotten killer-deal tickets to Thailand, we went to Thailand first. There I ran into a Buddhist monk named Sumetho and got whisked away to a Buddhist monastery in northern Thailand, outside Chiang Mai. It was a life-changing experience. Then I hooked up with Michael again and we hopped to India. After wandering in India for a couple months, I ended up at McCleod Ganj, near Dharamsala, where Tibetan refugees are. And the Dalai Lama happened to be there, and I got to hear his talks for a week. He directed something to us westerners. He said he thought it was admirable that people come from all lands to explore Tibetan Buddhism. But he emphasized that truth is found in every religion, and perhaps only a few could find fulfillment in another faith. Otherwise, he recommended that everybody go back to where they were planted, instead of trying to find greener grass on the other side of the fence. This was cynching it for me. What good would it do for me to be a sadhu in India? A true test of faith would be to return to one of the most materialistic, money-worshipping nations on earth, to return to the authenticly profound principles of spirituality hidden beneath our own religion of hypocricy, and be a sadhu there. This idea exhilerated me. I can be a sadhu in America, I thought. To be a vagabond, a bum, and make an art of it - this idea enchanted me.

So months later, over 5 years ago, that's what I did. And that's when I even started a free website called "American Sadhu" (Though I later realized I wasn't ready to share such things with the world, yet. Too much ego, I s'pose. So I zapped it). Ah, the wonder and magic of these past 5 years. But those tales will have to wait for future blog entries, even as I share with you these day-to-day journal experiences.

Ah, the beauty of it all I want you to understand and share with me - as well as the sublime ugliness out of which such beauty grows!


  1. Suelo,
    There is a book in your journey. Will you write it and gift the proceeds to a nonprofit ?

  2. To Jaesrox -
    Probably if a publishing co. stepped up and said they'd publish & distribute my book for free, I'd do it. Very unlikely, I s'pose. I just don't want even a cent paid for anything I do or write, ever, regardless of where the proceeds go. I feel the best things in life, the only authentic things in life, truly are free.

    1. Suelo:
      There is no virtue in what you are doing. You are not fulfilling the mission of being a father, a husband a provider a lover, etc. With people like you the world will go into extinction.
      Best wishes anyway,

    2. He provides for himself which is the instinctual right of every human, You are under the assumption that being human is to be a father, mother, a supporter of another person which is not true.

    3. Well, anonymous, according to whom does he is he obligated to be a husband and father? No one is obligated to anything. No one is obligated to provide for anyone. Plus, who cares if the world goes into extinction? Nothing is permanent anyways. Being human has nothing to do with being a father,mother or anything of the such. Being human is simply being born human. Don't over think
      it. That type of mentality is the typical brainwashing that Western society has undergone for centuries. Think beyond the mold of this Western society.

      I don't blame you for wanting to get out of the rat race that is this Western society. People are just obsessed with things,objects and as a result they live their lives to work rather than live an actual life. Life is much more than a big house or fancy car. People look for validation through external means rather than looking internally.

    4. If you write a journal, I will publish it and distribute it for free. With all honesty there are ways to let your message be heard and felt by many who are seeking another way than just the materialistic world most people are in.

    5. Anonymous - You have no idea what you are talking about. There is virtue in everything Suelo is doing. What is so virtuous about copulating? And the world will not go extinct because of people like Suelo. It would simply become devoid of people. And what's wrong with that? We no longer inhabit the Earth, we infest it. We are like a cancer metastasizing across the Earth destroying everything in our path. Is there virtue in that?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Do you assume I do not work, Angeldust?
    So we assume Jesus worked as a carpenter (actually, stonemason is the correct translation). And so did Jesus' disciples - as fishermen. Even if for money, is anybody saying that's wrong? We know there's no indication Jesus worked FOR MONEY during his ministry. In fact, just the fact that Jesus had to take a coin from a fish's mouth, as you point out, shows Jesus had zero money.
    When money is no longer useful, why work for it?
    Then notice how Jesus pointed out the coin's image of Caesar and said "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's." Give to Image what is Image's and give to Reality what is Reality's.
    If I find a coin (representing a phantom) I'll give it to phantoms who believe in phantoms. But Jesus sure didn't work for that phantom, did he?
    Long after Jesus departed, the apostles said to the beggar in the book of Acts: "Money we don't have, but what we have we give to you."

    1. If money was no longer useful or needed, then why take it from a fish's mouth? Your rhetoric has flaws. Good luck, tho.

    2. Luke 20:25 "Caesar's," they replied. He said to them, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."
      What Jesus meant by this is: The image that is on the Coin is who it belongs to. So The money belongs to who's image is on it. And God is saying Who's image is on you? Well We are made in the image of God and His likeness. So God is saying now give yourself back to God. Give Caesar his money and Give you (man) yourself back to God.

    3. listen not to the nay sayers, for they truely lack what you have. FREEDOM! Freedom of mind freedom of spirit, freedom of will to live naturaly. I too live this way in my own stlye.My brother has lived as you for decades. He is truely off the grid.

  5. By the way, I don't work for money. So, my questions didn't necessarily come out of prejudice.

  6. I need questions like that, gracias, ang. BTW, the deleted comment above was my own that i accidentally put in twice. I don't delete or moderate anybody's comments. Maybe if the conversation got really abusive I would.

    1. Suelo, What you describe is living in poverty. We have a Uncle who lives some what like you. He lives on the family farm in a trailer. He grows his own food and does not eat meat. My old Uncle for money fixes stuff up for a fee of course. I will not judge you for your lifestyle. I do believe you are on a ego trip,thus this post.

  7. Oh! Good to know about the comment. I was wondering about that.

  8. If you don't delete though, I wonder where one of mine went? I tried to clarify my questions so you could answer my questions more accurately than you did, and the comment disappeared after it said it was going to be evaluated for publishing. Did I do something wrong?


  9. Hmm... I'm clueless what happened, except I did briefly have it on "comment moderation" when I was trying to figure out how to delete my own. Then I switched back to no moderation.

  10. I bet that explains it. Well, I'm glad I asked, because I wondered if you were telling me the truth. But didn't it then go into a special box FOR you to evaluate, when you have it on comment moderation?

    1. He says that he does not have money so where are you able to charge up your computer on get access to the internet to maintain your blog!!!!?

  11. It should have, but I never saw it & don't know what happened. I probably screwed it up somehow. Sorry about that. I had accidently left it on comment moderation for maybe a day, until I figured it out & switched it back to direct commenting.

  12. Not a big deal. It's not like I haven't "screwed it up" once in awhile! I thought of something. If a person doesn't buy or sell, that is one thing the Beast can't hold over their head to force them to take the mark. Of course, though, people will get killed for not worshiping him, too.

  13. I forgot about this comment, so it's been a long time in replying. This "Beast" fascinates me. Let's go back to the Genesis story, where Eve says, "The serpent deceived me." Yhis could literally be translated, "The serpent cut me a loan on interest". [Look it up in Hebrew ( )] Also, the various Hebrew words for serpent in the Bible mean 'bind' or 'debt'. The 7-head serpent, Leviathan's root is Levi (as in Levitical or priestly law), which means binding debt. And Leviathan is the Hebrew pronunciation of Lotan, 7-headed serpent of ancient Canaan (Canaan, which means "Commerce", or "Trade"!). This Serpent originates in ancient Sumer, & made his way to Europe, too, as the Hydra. Cut one head off, 7 or 9 more sprout up. Unpayable debt. He's alluded to in Cane's story, & throughout the Hebrew Bible. Then he makes his way into Revelation as the "Beast".
    Now, doesn't money (like all symbols, images, idols, & words) represent everything BUT itself? Doesn't money represent everything BUT the Present Moment, everything BUT what IS?

    Now, take a new at Revelation's Beast:

    "The beast that you saw was, and IS NOT; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and IS NOT, and yet is." (Revelation 17:8)

  14. Hey Suelo

    I just wanted to post this link as I think it supports what you were saying about Jesus and that whole "render unto ceaser" thing.


  15. I didn't think you were going to answer so I stopped checking and then couldn't find my comment. Don't know how long your answer has been sitting there. Very interesting things you are saying about the Beast and how you trace the serpent to him. I didn't have time to verify, by the site you suggested, the definitions you gave. I couldn't find the same definitions in my own resources, so wonder why they are different on the Blue Letter site. I'm sure you have a good answer for that. As far as money goes, what a strange system it is, even without getting religion involved. I've wondered how people could have been duped by Hitler, and I wonder how we've all been duped by money. Wealth used to be gauged by land and livestock, but now it is by how much money we have and gadgets. Gadgets serve us in various ways, supposedly freeing us up to do what we want to do, but what do we do? We spend the time we gained to make more money, which is made of only paper and cheap metals. Amazing. Well, thanks for taking the time to answer these comments.

  16. thanks for sharing your journeys and insights
    i also live in moab(2003)

    up to 6 months ago i was making aprox 1200.00 per week and i realized i got so caught up in the money tht i quit my job and took on a job that paid about 100.00 a week, i conciously made this choice and did it for 6 months, the only bills i had was gas money and food.

    i want to share what ive learned form this experience.

    its okay to make good money, as long as we dont seek our happiness through the (money) itself, this is easier siad than done, but i did practice for six months living off a bare minium given my life situation.

    i am a local film maker and have done 14 vision quest and fasts.

    lets chat sometime
    my email

    peace n blessings

  17. If you have never met Suelo aka Daniel Shellabarger in person, let me tell you a bit about him.

    Years before he began his moneyless quest, I said of Daniel that he was the closest to Jesus that we would ever meet on this earth. Everyone I ever said that to agreed wholeheartedly. So its interesting to me to see discussions about Jesus on this blog, because if you knew this man, you would know his heart is as clear, pure and enlightened as Jesus's was. Truly.

    I first met Daniel when we co-chaired a Habitat For Humanity effort. After that, we worked on many things together. What I always saw of Daniel was that he gave away everything he had, incuding money he made, items he owned and time he had left when he wasn't working or volunteering. This was way before the moneyless quest began.

    When he told me he was going on this moneyless quest, I thought that it was perfect for him. Others thought so, too, because I watched as many people were drawn to him, drawn to join in. He always had a varied band of moneyless questers following his lead. They sought to harm no one, but love everyone. They were successful on all fronts.

    You can criticize or ostricize or opinionize this great man, but unless you've met him - looked into those beautiful brown eyes, you have no true right. Love him or leave him alone.

    I still have photos of Daniel and I at a charity ball, smiling, laughing, loving. You have no real choice but to love him if you know him. He is the embodiment of love. I have always felt honored just to know him and will love him until the day I die - and way way past that!

    Friends, people, like Suelo aka Daniel Shellabarger are as rare on this earth as Jesus or Buddah. If he says something, listen. He means it.

    Daniel, contact me. I miss you so much! Life, time and distance came between us, but could not come between the love of friendship.

    Check out my current life at . P.S. if you need a writer for your book, ask your friend Kelly aka Suelo's Friend.

    Love you!

  18. So... let me see if I got this right. You want to live without money, but you have no problem using items that were paid for? Like a computer for example?
    I have several times thought about this issue, living without money. Like living without money would make me happier in some way. To live like that (and I do not think that you do), you would have to isolate yourself completely from the society we live in. And what would you do then? How long have you lived without any human contact at all? Did you really feel happy?
    I mean... I understand that you might want to make a point, set an example for everyone else, so other people may follow you and start a real money-free society. And if it is that what you are looking for, I see you as a kind of a martyr, to be honest. But the thing is... you are not that good of an example. You don't use any money, but you use things bought with money. I see this as a contradiction.
    Considering that it seems like you cannot live without a computer, how would it be produced in a money-free society? Would we exchange work for work, for example? But wouldn't that be an illusion, just like you think money is.
    What about trading goods? Carrots for potatoes, for example. But even so, no one would trade 5 kilos of carrots for a single potatoe! Things have value. It is not an illusion. It is reality.

    I would be very grateful if you shared your thoughts about this with me.

    Best Regards,

    1. "You don't use any money, but you use things bought with money. I see this as a contradiction."

      I don't really find it a contradiction. Sad truth is, it's impossible to touch anything not previously touched by money. It's like a weed trying to not touch grass. Doesn't work.

    2. Think about it this way. As far as I can tell, he doesn't say possessions are evil in of themselves. It's the problem with society, not just a system (though system is created by society). People literally KILLING each other so they can buy an Xbox before anyone else (not even for the system, but so they can have a chance to buy it early). It truly does sicken me, money. Every time I look at it, every time I hear about it. It took me a while to figure out why it bothered me, but I understand now.

      The problem with money isn't that it buys things. It's what it represents. A system, built around materialism. Money in of itself is an illusion. Sure, it's worth something right now. But what about five minuets from now? Tomorrow? Next month? When it comes down to it, money is just paper in the same sense a coin is just metal. Why is it so valuable to people? Because of the illusion is just to happens to represent: possession. But beyond just the material that it represents, it holds in it all the problems with material. Every time I see a bill or a value sign, I have to wonder whats been done in the name of it. This is opposed to material. I see a vegetable, it's a vegetable. I see a computer, it's a computer. But you see a bill, it's more than that. It's a representation of greed itself, while in its simplest form worthless. I'm not suggesting we go back to the stone age (and I don't think that's what this man is saying either). He's pointing out the issue with society as a whole (not just the U.S., but the world). No longer do we simply acquire goods, loan money without debt, take without guilt. Now, when you borrow money, you take onto yourself all the sin and all the strife that is in that bill, the phantom illusion that is money. What HE is suggesting (and forgive me if I make a mistake of what you believe) is that we work for our possessions, not for something that we use to acquire possession, like Jesus worked for his living, not for coin.

  19. What do you think of the Steelers draft choices this year?


  20. In 2008 I was laid off and like Suelo felt the hipocrasy and the tear of being in 2 worlds. I began doing work exchanges. To all those that nit pick about the housesitting, using things money buys, etc. that is a veil you are using. None of those things have to cost money in a cooperative society...we just chose to use that method, so here we are. In addition, I think the time has come to create a new paradigm, a new society that perhaps we have not seen yet. We may not have visualized it yet but I think Suelo here is trying to put his heart in action toward that. We cannot go back to the way things were but unfortunately we have no leaders to guide us to a new dawn....perhaps this is becaus, as the Hopi say, the one (ones) we are looking for are ourselves.

  21. If you are a Free man , free of money, free of debit cards, free of credit cards, and no job , whatsoever, as you are saying, how did you go to INDIA? As much i know , there is an ocean between. And the ticket is not 300 $.

    Enligt me.....

    1. (I'm not him, but I'll try to answer this, forgive me if I'm mistaken)

      First, if you read the blog (and frankly, from what I can tell, no one does), you would realize he did this AFTER he left for India. Second, "killer deal on tickets". They got a good deal on them. He wasn't just born and he was a penniless monk. He had to play the system for a good two decades

  22. You live from others people work you are a parasite

    1. Everyone lives from everyone elses work you moron

    2. Did you invent the internet?no?what? so that means your using somebody else is work..that means your a parasite...go invent your own internet hippie!

    3. He doesn't live without taking. He never said that. He lives without having to buy his OWN computer. He uses as little resource as possible, kinda like a person that takes a public bus uses less gas and doesn't have to buy their own car. And he never said "don't borrow from others". If you even skimmed his blog above, you would realize he represents what Christ represents. A lack of debt. Money is a debt based currency. Christ said we shouldn't be ashamed of debts, nor should we shame others for theirs. But that we should do what we can to help others freely, and in return accept help freely.

  23. Kudos to you.. You CHOOSE to live your life like this. I think it is great that you made the Choose and that it was not forced upon you.

  24. I don't think Suelo is sane or a normal person. We can make good money and still be happy. Happiness comes within us. You can earn money and be a philonthrophist and feel happy. I love animals and with money I earn (which is not much), I live, enjoy my life and help animals in shelters. That gives me happiness.

    Things that you are using "for free" are paid by "someone else" so nothing is free tehcnically.

    I totally agree with Sara. Isolating yourself from the world for what? Plus, living like a caveman and scavenging for food and "stuff" is not fun, I assume, and can cause depression too. That must be such a stuggle.

    God (Jesus) or whatever we all believe in, gave us aaaaaaaallllllllll this for a reason. Enjoy and share. That's what we must be doing.

    Suelo, you need help brother.


    2. Everyone's definition of happiness is different. If you can exist in our current state, then great. He wasn't. He then decided to stick true to his gut and live his life the way he felt he should. A majority of us, myself included, do not live life this way. This, is called courage. For you to slap your definition of happiness around and practically insist your meaning to be the standard is rather ignorant.

  25. Wow the guy's last entry is over 6 years ago?

    1. Uhhh no. To the right of the screen, on the sidebar, is a blog archive. Click the year you want to jump to with that tool.

    2. Right...Like this was a fresh

  26. I love this guys April Fools joke! It's the best!



  27. How do you pay Taxes? Gifts and found income is still taxable by the FED even if its not monetary. I would start putting away 30% of what ever you scavenge for when uncle sam come looking for you. If you don't get eaten by a bear first.

  28. Rock on man. You're about to get a whole lot of hate comments from bitter fellow Americans. Pay it no mind.

  29. judge not yet ye be judged yourself.....continue your path.....I am beside name is James.

  30. Dude you have a frontpage story on Yahoo, thats how I found this blog. I was expecting atleast a decently designed product but got this. You should seriously consider an upgrade with the design. Furthermore, I find it kind of ironic that you have this site, which is probably getting what? over 100,000 views a month??? Why dont you monetize it and donate the funds to starving children or a wilderness survival program that teaches others how to survive without money. better yet, let me monetize it and keep all the money since you dont need it. Either way, consider what im saying and check out to get an upgraded website on the house.

    1. A guy who decides to live life as an example and you want him to monetize his blog? really man?

    2. No disrespect web design....but that thinking is part of the problem!

  31. This is how you live when you don't have guidance. You use your intellect in a capacity that it was never meant for, drawing up your own reality. God meant for you to work, earn a living, and be functional.

    1. I truly believe that God intended for us to be happy - not functional. I'm sure he's happy there are so many functional people in the world who are not happy.

      If this makes him happy, let him follow his bliss. Who is he hurting anyway?

    2. I love how it's the so-called God believers that are first in line to claim they know what God is really feeling or thinking.

      I mean, think about it. God is an all powerful being, yes? At least that's what most common religious denominations believe. Ergo, how do WE, who are puny in his comparison, could possibly understand his true motives?

      Bottom line is, I believe that we're all supposed to love and respect one another. Though I have to admit right now, seeing all the haters, it is a very difficult idea to swallow.

  32. doesnt trainhopping and hitching mean you are being a freerider??? jesus walked

    1. lol have you seen how big the US is, as opposed to the middle east?

    2. not only am i laughing in Support but it is true right now i don't care what his character qualities are there is nothing that is different between him and a user. "Enlightenment" thank you for wasting my tax money because someone pays for your ridiculous ideologies! And some ignorant people reading this ( we are still in a recession), and we are encouraging economic stimulus how the heck are people going to read this and what to aid in getting the American dream back? God created all things just like he created the people that have the ideas to create and discover what we have in this world. To me you are offending God to the highest extent by acting holier then though to not use the products, and knowledge that we have been given and especially if you don't pay for it and you use it or whatever you do then you are stealing from another persons lively hood.

  33. Wsup dude! hey I see a bunch of haters here man, why so much haterizm people? Any way, do whut you do, how you do, and be safe bud. Those who need an elaborate explanation, here it is, Don't trip. This man aint hurtn nobody. And I bet nobody has the balls to do this.

  34. I find it so odd that people live exactly as they wish, but when one mans decision to live exactly as HE wishes is brought to light, and it's a bit different than others versions, then he begins to get comments here about what a parasite he is, he may get eaten by a bear, etc. etc. It's no wonder people to choose to live as he does - so many judgmental people. It's not anyone's business how this man lives, except his, unless he takes from one of us - and he doesn't. The Amish ride on our roads, yet no one yells about them using taxpayer money. Look at your own life - and I'm pretty sure you'll have lots to work on that would keep you from spewing nonsense here to what seems like a perfectly nice person.

  35. Good choice to live where you live. Easiest to look for food in a country that is wasteful. If you weren't able to find food, such as in India where there is alot of competition for left overs, you would most likely die.

  36. I agree that the society is not built for success, but you can still function in society without letting it change who you are.

  37. Dear Previous Anonymous: You're looking at a single blog post. If you want to see the full blog, look here:

  38. Keep it up man, even if no ones listening, you can still be the coolest kid on the block

  39. I have always believed the words of Jesus. Not the twisted words of the Church, (any religion or denomination will do). In 1977 I was in an accident. For 35 minutes I was clinically dead. While in that place we call death I went to school. Jesus came to set us free from illusion and to show us who we really are. "These thingsI do you will do also, and greater things." My daughter and I were living in a tent. It was given to us. Then one day a couple from Butte came and gave us a travel trailer. We live there still. Everything belongs to Spirit and is for our common use. We pass on what we are not using, that is called sharing. I give when asked without judgment. I lend as it is not really mine. We recieve what we need when we have need of it. I do not fear the collapse because Spirit always provides for me. I am often asked to do favors for people and they pay me if they choose and it is always something or some amount I was in need of. We say we walk in faith, but real faith is not Believing, its Knowing. Jesus even told us, "Pray BELIEVING you have ALREADY RECIVED." My daughter and I do, everyday. Rev. Spiritwomyn

  40. Suelo,

    you can only live the way you do, if there are other people who work for money. Correct or not?

    It strikes me as similar to the Amish, who won't own a car because, to simplify, it would distance them from God. But they will ride in a car driven by someone whom they believe will be distanced from God because they own it.

  41. If you were a true follower and believer of the way of Christ, you would be humble and wouldn't need to publish your story or inform the media. The truth is you're just a lazy coward who can't deal with the real world because your twisted Christen upbringing guilted you into this. If you want to do something meaningful, go help the elderly or people who lost their homes; people who have no choices.

    1. Anonymous^ Suelo is happy with his life. Why are you trying to judge him. Everyone is given a life and free will to do whatever makes themselves happy. I am happy for whoever finds happiness. We should not judge.

    2. Oh give me a break. Really? I'm sorry, I'm a nice person, but you need a serious smack in the face. One person can't do everything. We all try to live by example as much as we can (at least some people are.) And who are you to get on a guy's blog, and tell him what's "meaningful"? Obviously spiritually cleansing himself, living a humble life, to him, is meaningful. If every person on this earth focused on making themselves better spiritually, I guarantee we wouldn't have 99% of the stuff that's going on. Wars, poverty, abuse, etc. It's people like you who sit around telling people how to make the world a better place that's making it a bad place to be in. People sitting around waiting for others to act. Posting a blog about this way of life is not arrogant, nor is it an issue of conceit. It's getting your message out there. What did you think the disciples of Christ and Jesus himself did? Yeah. They traveled to get their message out. Preached and gave sermons. Maybe you should read the Bible before accusing someone of being a fake Christ follower. I bet if blogs existed back then the disciples would've all had one.

      I don't understand all the animosity. Perhaps people just don't understand, they're resentful, jealous? I don't know. Give the guy a break, haters.

  42. Why not just write your book and allow others to download free.
    Scripture says you don't work you don't eat...
    How can you do as Jesus did witholut money...cannot giove what you don't have

  43. The way things are going in time we will all live like this, like it or not.

  44. very cool what you are doing Suelo ... I actually work for money and love to have a certain level of things .. not trying to get rich and I help whomever needs it no matter how much they can pay me (im a auto mechanic) but it is nice to know that you offer a deliberate honesty that may one day be the path of other .. heck even me :-)

  45. Hello, hope all is well out there. I respect your choice. I just do not know that removing yourself from society is necessary...but finding your happiness is good. My wife certainly woulnd't find it in a cave, so I guess I will have to find another way. Oh and since you have been out there for so long, you might have missed this funny video that went viral. Thought you would enjoy it.

  46. I notice how the people who don't get it, and wish to "condemn" you for your chosen lifes journey,make their comments & sign "Anonymous"...peace to you, my brother...

  47. money is the root to all evil.its not the only thing in this world.i could see myself liveing in a cave next door.

  48. I have not removed myself to the level that you have. I do know that the bible tells us that God will take care of us as he does even the birds of the air. Knowing is a far cry from faith. What you are doing to me represents faith... faith that you will not die tomorrow from starvation, faith that God will provide, faith that God is real. I am with you on those levels... I have a wife and two daughters. I had a son too but he was killed in an accident last year. So we move forward on faith... faith that nothing happens without reason. We have simplified our lives but I still work and earn money to pay for the things we need, my wife is diabetic and I worry how I would provide for her medicine without some form of income. We do grow our own food, meat and produce. We replenish our needs by saving seeds and breeding the animals we have (Rabbits, Goats, and Chickens). We have a source of water and I built a home that requires zero cooling and minimal heating. I think you are on a journey... God Speed and may you find many a warm threshold in your times of need. Thanks for sharing.

  49. Suelo,
    I Just read about your site on the yahoo page and became suddenly interested. I read what all you had to say and became very moved. That is a very wise decision and I hope that things continue to go very well for you. I honestly think the same way, but I think most of those would be hard for me and my 3 kids, otherwise, I congratulate you and God bless.

  50. suelo,
    have you read "the ascent of humanity" by charles eisenstein ?
    if not, you should. you and he are both on the g o o d path.
    it is a gift on his website:

  51. Interesting, but since you decided to make it political by saying you did this the 1st year of G.W. Bush then why aren't you back to a 'normal' life with the dear leader in office for 3 years now?

  52. I enjoyed reading the article, which led me to this blog. The latest entries aren't very kind, and not much worth entering. (The Steelers comment was funny).

    Suelo is just one guy. And his story is only refreshing as it is so exceptional. Why would anyone need to try to determine he has used money or a resource? Don't miss the point.

    His life strikes me as a good testimony, which ought to provoke anyone to thought. And I'd be inclined to admit his approach is more right living than most of us.

    Perhaps anyone noticing Suelo would best applaud him, and thank him for throwing an extremely different possibility in the middle of our day.

  53. This is really great! Money is center of all evil. It is hard for materialistic people to appreciate the freedom and content you received by doing this. kudos!

  54. And what did you use to publish this website if you dont own anything with a lowercase 'i' in front of it?

  55. You are a hypocrite, sir.
    You routinely accept grace and kind gestures from strangers and yet, they work, toil and pay the coin to buy their supplies, cars, gas, car maintenance and oil change to graciously transport you to your beautiful destinations.
    Secondly, you admitted you traveled abroad on, I am assuming, an American Passport, issued by the U.S. Department of State, and I do not know any way to receive that official federal document for free.
    Thirdly, you admitted you also traveled via commercial airlines to exotic foreign countries, which only means either you or someone else had to pay coin to facilitate that for you.
    Thus, you are a hypocrite and a social parasite.
    PS. by the way, that computer that you are using to blog has been paid for by someone else as well, in case you failed to note.

  56. Suelo,
    I think money is trade. You said you feel guilty about working for money.
    What if you helped a farmer cultivate crops and then in exchange he gave you food to eat?
    Now say he didn't have extra food to give you, so instead he hands you some money in exchange for work. That money represents the work you did and can now be traded for the food you need.
    That's all money is. Trade. Trade has been around for millenia. It's how humans survived.

  57. how did you get to India? and how do you travel from state to state? and how in the world did you set up this website????

    1. I'm guessing he set up this website by using a computer at a library. If not that at a friend's establishment.

  58. @AnonymousMay 4, 2012 09:30 AM

    You're mean and bitter.

  59. Once a man was walking through a forest. He saw an eagle putting the food in to mouth of a injured bird. The guy said to himself 'why am I worried about my food even when this injured bird is getting it free'. So he sat in the forest waiting for food. After many days (probably) he made a complaint to the creator. The reply was, "my servant you noticed the injured bird but you missed the eagle, why you chose not to be an eagle?".. don't know if story is true!

  60. I found this through the front page of Yahoo as well. A lot of thoughts crossed my mind. One was that I could never do this, then that I would never want to. Then I thought maybe I am so addicted to this world that I can't fathom enjoying a life like that. I also realized that there's nothing wrong with living in the society in which you are, and living the societal norm. As for you, I think what you are doing is pretty amazing although it's not for me. However, yours is a lifestyle most people could not have, even if they wanted. My father, in his older years, wants to live in his cabin and separate from everything and altering the area to suit his wants. He became angered when I pointed out that people cannot live however they want because, no matter how unobtrusive their lifestyle seems, how people live affects other people. In order for any society to work, the majority of people must conform to it. Only a few living on the fringe is sustainable. I'm happy for what you are able to do and hope you realize you couldn't do it if everyone did it. I wish you well. I know your story will cross my mind from time to time.

  61. I suppose I too would want to live like Suelo but not sure if I am tough enough like him. I have to be on a lot of medications so money less I cannot be.

  62. Namaste - free spirit. Be well :-)

  63. I find it funny that so many people feel compelled to aggressively attack this man's choices. My guess is that a lot of folks are simply envious of his ability live without an iPhone and a Facebook page. Those who attack his lifestyle have truly bought into both consumerism (a drug) and dependency on government and others. Emerson would have loved this guy!

  64. And what are you going to do if you get sick, or need dental work, or get to the point in which cannot take care of yourself any longer? Well ... hospitals, dental clinics and homes, all paid by tax payers that unlike you, are contributing to the society. Put aside that self-inflicted "guilt" and get a job. This is not only about what makes you happy but what you can do for your country. You are just another bum.

  65. I like the above anonymous comment regarding true follower . Please, This man has NOTHING!!! how many christians have very nice things... Why not publish his story, with that logic Jesus should never of been preaching and should of kept to himself .

  66. The guys doing what he wants to do. You clicked on this site to read it. He didn't show up at your door and shove his booklets in your face. He just seems like an nice old guy living his life the way he wants, why would some of you call him out for something as ridiclous as using a computer? Are you not making enough money, did you not work hard enough in school to get a descnet job, do you not prioritize your spending and live within your means, hmmm? Live it up man, its your life.

  67. I would like to know if you don't have money how did you treval to India , Thailand. And have a nice shirt short and as well a hat or top of that a backpack. At same token if it is given by some one to you then you still using some one else hard money. You use money on some way
    Sit and think about it what you do

  68. Beautiful story Suelo.

    I undrstand completely the direction you have chosen. My soul was also violated with this system of things. I have reduced the connections to "think" and the types of people ho come with those "thinks".

    I was a money making machine at one time. Now I am utilizing my gifts in life which is the arts.

    Thank you for being here and getting it. Rob J.

  69. May Allaah Ta'Alaa (The Most High ) Rightly Guide You To Islaam, Ameen!

    If This Is The Means (By Allaah's Decree) In which You Find Your Halal (Good ) Provisions Then, Right-On To You!

    I Can Only Imagine The Less Stress You Are Experiencing.


  70. Suelo, what a story. You don't need to please anyone but yourself. I know people are going to write stupid comments. I am a firm believer of "to each his own". I admire what you are doing!

  71. Leave the dude alone you bitter, hateful, and judgemental people.

  72. Hey everyone, you noticed or not, but Suelos has not posted a reply on this blog for over 2 1/2 years and it's his blog? He probably got arrested for running up and down the morman tabernacle parking lot. Carlsbad, NM has a morman in charge of a lot of stuff here. Perhaps Suelos might want to meet Marion Jenkins?

  73. It's a good idea to get used to this kind of lifestyle. With the direction this country is headed it's a wise to get off the grid and out of the rat race altogether if you can.
    The Bilderbergs can't trap what they can't see.

  74. funny, i'm seeing many comments who reference the fact that you "don't work". i'd like to know how living without money ISN'T work! you are "toiling" for your life just as we are, just in another way.

    hats off to you, man! your ideology is the exact reason why i have never ever owned a credit card. i do use money, but only the money that i have. i don't have a bank account (too much governmental control), i don't have cable which means I don't have TV as where I live you you must have cable in order to see TV at all(more governmental control), no house phone (not necessary because i do have a prepaid cell), don't drive (public transportation) and i don't have a computer at home (no internet).

    i like my lifestyle that many others view as weird or crazy and so what? they don't live with me.

    Good for you, Sir!

  75. Someone has to pay for the public resources you so freely use without one bit of contribution from yourself. The public library is paid for by the confiscation of property from those that produce in society as are the computers you use to propagate your free-loading lifestyle. You are a total hypocrite sir that takes but does not give anything in return.

    1. Oh give me a break. A majority of the top earners in the US (I think the last estimates were 8-10%?) don't pay taxes. I would hardly call them freeloading.

  76. To assume that not using money is following Jesus then you need to answer why Judas was given the job of holding the money for Jesus and the Disciples. Why does the New Testament teach we should work with our hands so that we can give to others. Why does the Apostle Paul instruct believers to give (money) to the believers in Jerusalem? Why does the Apostle Paul instruct that ministers of the Word of God (like the Old Testament Priests were) worthy of support from other people? Jesus never taught that we should be bums and not work. He did teach that loving money was an evil, but he also taught that loving anything above God was idolatry. Jesus gave an example of self sacrifice for others - to put other peoples needs above our own. Living like a bum in a cave and scavenging for everything is not serving anyone else and does not help anyone else. If all lived like Mr. Suelo there would be no one to scavenge from and all would starve to death. This is not following Jesus. Money is just a tool to make exchange of work easier. I make a chair and could barter it for some vegetables but the use of money makes it easier to make a number of exchanges. Jesus taught us to not love money - but we can still use it without loving it. Jesus taught us that if we do not work we should not eat. Lastly if we are following Jesus we should be serving the poor. If you are not working how can you serve the poor? How about trying to work and then you will be able to serve the poor

  77. Hey, If i had no children i would consider your path! FYI, be carefull to reveal your exact where abouts! If president Oboma finds out, he will make you pay a usage tax for using land in the USA... Sounds unrealistic, but not far fetched! Rock on brother...

    ~Made In The USA

    1. Suelo, DO YOU...I believe you're the more sane one and we're the more insane ones. I know gold & silver is talked about in the bible more than anything else so it is in God's plan but He never meant for us to worship it. And that unfortunately is what has happened in America. God created currency to be a resource and not our source, He is our only Source and He shall and does supply for all of our need according to His riches and glory. I too have had my own journey without money and it hasn't been easy nor anything I would ever wish on anyone else but there have been times where I felt a freedom in it that surpassed even my own understanding. Continue with your plight, we all were made for a purpose and this is yours. The world will soon see what it is to live on God's provision and not man's. May God Continue To Bless You...Amen

  78. Man, some of you guys are viscious! I totally agree with Suelo's philosophy. Remember, money is the root of all evil.

    How much more evil can you get than this present world where people elect politicians that will sell their grandmothers for a buck?

    The American Dream is a pack of lies. We have been brainwashed in to believing that success is a three bedroom, two bath home with a SUV parked out in front. We believe that to show our kids love takes money to buy them everything they want. That's crap! God does not condone the worship of money. God condones the true worship of Him and Him only. He condones that a man work and care for his family - not to earn money!

    The reason you people think Suelo is nuts is because you've been brainwashed by the psychopaths in power who want you to believe you must give your all to the State. Brainwashed in to believing that mom and dad must BOTH work so they can have that new car while the kids take care of themselves.

    I say we could all do with a lot less. And that includes money.

    1. Man. I feel like printing this and framing your post lol.


  79. "Let only skin, sinew and bone remain, let the flesh and blood dry in my body, but I will not give up this seat without attaining complete awakening."

    Good luck with your journey, Daniel. Thank you for your openness. Your story has given me something I cannot define nor give you in return, but thank you. Thank you. And if you ever find yourself in the state of Maryland, I have a couch, hammock, or a place for your sleeping bag, to which you are quite welcome.

    Love and light,

  80. I don't understand, If you even eat from the trash, you are still using money indirectly, how was the left over in the trash bought? If clothes are given to you free, it's still money, the problem is just that you are not spending. But someone else, same with food stamps , you are not spending but the government, so why will you received free clothes and not food stamps?? The only way a person can lived without the economy power is not eating, not bathing, living in the forest and don't come to town. Be totally isolated from the world. you can't live in the city, seeing the lights, drinking the water from sewer and say you are living with zero. I think your big probem is refusing to contribut to the economy and take responsibility in life. Good luck. By the way using a website is using money, how is the technology runs

  81. I respect your choices, Suelo. I don't think I could ever quite live to the extreme as you do, though.

    Just for clarification, Jesus' commands toward us on earth are to love and help one another. Living as you do, what is your contribution to helping others? I mean no disrespect, but is informing the world of your choices your way of helping others? Our duty, as Christians (if you still consider yourself one) is to spread Jesus' love not condemning or judging one another and helping the less fortunate. What do you think?

  82. I too 'get it' and admire you greatly. Peace brother.

  83. Makes some people angry.. You know why? Because the truth does that.

    You have a right to let this mans story upset you. But.. do you realize what a controlling person you are to be upset at a person you haven't even met?

    And all he does is offer you the "truth". That is wehat upsets some.. Look deeper inside yourself if this effected you in a angered way. Typicually it will be the modern women today more than men. Things like this upset the modern because of the pain they choose to go through in the fight to somebody.... And modern women today are the "most" guilty of this.

    1. Who licked the red off your sucker, some woman I am sure. How many things do you steal and lie about, since you seem to support someone else doing it, I assume you pracitce it yourself. No wonder you have problems with women, and no I am not mad or up set, just pondering, we can have an opinion without being upset and if it seems that I am being snide I'm just responding to you in your own fashion.

  84. The technology to produce this blog was developed by hardworking people with jobs. I suppose you could write your blog on a boulder out in the desert. You're nuts. :)

  85. I do not think you monitor thiis anymore but I wanted to leave a note, I am so confused. It would seem if you are living on state land your home is paid for by the hard working tax paying people of the US. Who bought and paid for the tree house you sleep in, do they know you are using it or are you stealing a space to sleep, and someonw in the working system earned a salary and paid taxes for you to have a place to sleep? When someone house sits the payment for watching the house is a place to stay, is it not? When you hop a train, I am sure the owner would consider you stealing, considering everyone else pays to use the service provided by the owners! When you catch a ride with someone do you not consider that you are contributing to the very system that you proclaim to have walked away from, if you believe in no cash how can you then ride in a car {even when invited} without going back on the very choises you have proclaimed to live by. Even if you do get food, clothes and other items you need from the trash is that not the same to your "no cash life" as someone claiming to be against the big oil companies driving a huge gas guzzling vechicle? I am sorry and it is just my opinion but I think if you want ot live off the grid that is wonderful but you should just state that you want to live a simplier life and that you {alot like those that live on welfare} want to have what you need {be it a cave or welfare} provided to you by someone else as you do not want to work for it yourself. You want to live off the frid, nothing wrong with that but there is something wrong with being a lier. As my Papaw said, Your word is the only thing that will follow you to heaven...

  86. It's an interesting concept but all the time I was reading this I was thinking "How do you have a website? Well even more important WHY?"

    1. why shouldn't he? He's displaying his life so others can see. there are library's that are free of cost.
      He's not neglecting the world, he's living with out money.

    2. Lol if the likes of celebs like Paris Hilton and Kardashians can tweet their mindless crap, this guy posting his ideals should be the least of our worries.

  87. you are also using computer, man don't play fool of the world. how are you connected to the net?

  88. Forbe's top billionaires don't like to see you.

  89. Forbes top billionaires don't like to see you.

  90. I think you have a purpose. Maybe this is it for you. I do kind of envy you for you have alot. I wish I could get out of the RAT race every day. I know I have people that count on me to stay in it though. I wish you luck.

  91. While I wasn't working, just goofing-off , I stumbled onto a wind current of unregulated floating energy
    and landed here--NONETHELESS, we are Spirits having human experience (and not vice versa ) with giftings for productivity that bless God's creation for the greater good--

    Submitting to the leadership placed over us in Romans 13 is paramount to our freedom . Identifying with Jesus is more about the illustrations of his heart concerning " love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, long-suffering and self-control " ( Spiritual fruit in Galatians 5:22 )

    We need your brilliance, tenacity and confidence in a Higher Power to focus your journey toward productivity --- Money is a tool simply to measure and reward value and energy -- It can be a curse, but for many "victims-of-crisis " , money can be a breath of fresh air to motivate their recovery --

    Obviously the economic transition in our society is motivated to engage fresh solutions -
    Jump into the mainstream and cultivate a survivor-
    then train him to fish and duplicate himself --
    --- We are machines Gifted by God to work for a better quality of life for mankind, right ?
    Be a Mother Teresa -- we are all homeless without Jesus - He is the way, truth, life --

    You obviously want to be heard ( like Bob Dylan unique style off-key singing )with your moneyless eccentricity, but you may be honing in on a cure for our cancer of " keeping up with the Jones "

    -- Being true to yourself and confident in your resilience and impassioned by your purpose is fun -
    -- Jesus is where we are going and He is the way we get there ( Col 1:27) --- You reach a broader more honest audience than I without sounding religious -- read stuff from Professor C.S. Lewis lately ??

  92. We are heading for a cashless society anyway.
    Paper currency will become worthless before long. You will have a chip in yer hand instead
    and you will be paid in "credits" as you become enslaved by the New World Order. Get used to the idea or do what this man is doing and drop off the radar altogether. Time is running out.

  93. Wow, how amazing, how blessed is he! He enjoys life.

  94. One can access a computer from a variety of locations. I am wondering if you need or want an assistant or may anyone visit you? I'd like to learn more.

  95. If Obama's plans are realized then most of us might be forced into this lifestyle.

  96. You are an inspiration, I think your way life is peaceful in the sense that your not worrying about bills & the stress of everyday life that most of us have. To live without money or posessions is not something very many people could do and I admire you for it.

  97. Money isn't the root of all evil, the love of money is. Big difference.

  98. Why are you people reading this man's blog, but then trying to attack him? Leave him alone. He is doing what he believes to be right. You people don't feel that you are all doing enough for God, so you are trying to cut him down and say he's not doing enough for God? Wow. The good people in this world get attacked, just like Jesus did. And the bad people attract other weak people. This man is amazing for being strong enough to survive the outdoors. Money is nothing. Back then when the world first started, everyone traded.

    Are you people also attacking the Amish? They live without money and survive just find. We can LIVE WITHOUT PAPER PEOPLE! Its just paper. People when this world first started, traded one skill for another. Say, Im hungry and you hunt, and your cold and I can make clothes. Grow up people. Money is just a promise to trade. Money is nothing without the government saying it is. Just like Gold is nothing without the supply and demand.

    All of you attacking this man have issues. You are BULLIES, and all you people attacking him, work for the devil. Jesus would not want you people treating this man like this. Going on his blog attacking him. Stop telling this man that hes not doing Gods work by not caring about paper. Get a life. Your comments make me sick. Lets see you all be as strong as this man and as wise, and passionate.

    Where has money gotten us?? This whole world would be better off just trading with no money, and helping each other out, and living off the land, and trading our skills with another person for what we want.

  99. Folks, Jesus worked, he preached, taught, healed, performed miracles,and die for all. He put the needs of others before his own needs. This guy is just a hermit in a cave which is his choice. To each his own said the lady as she kiss the cow.

    1. Are you doing all of this anonymous? "working, preaching, teaching, healing, performing miracles,and dying for us all?

      If NOT, ...


  100. It's not a website. It's a blog that he can update from any public library. As for the "Why" I think he thinks it is a good thing and wants others to consider it.

  101. I dont understand the judgmental tone of some of these emails. Live and let live.

    Best of luck to you, Suelo!


  102. Suelo,
    I have read carefully your thoughts, along with everyone elses comments. I find it fasinating what you are doing and hope that you are in good health and spirits. I noticed that it has been a long time since your last entry into your blog. I have been teaching my 5 year old daughter what money is and that there are alot of people in the world who do without. If you ever find yourself in the Dallas area we would love to meet you. Please find time to bring us up to date as to where you are and what you have been experiencing over the last 6 years. I am looking forward to hearing about your quest so to speak. God bless
    Quinn C.

  103. Suelo,

    Have you heard of Crown Ministry? You can check them out at

    It is Biblical base program to teach what God says about money. I recently took their program and it changed my life in the way I view money....and my occupation is Financial Advisor.

    God loves you!


  104. Keep doing what your doing, you are making a difference! Your doing exactly what Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard do each day, only your a hands-on example. Your showing future generations how to survive in any and all situations. Should the US be placed in a survival mode tommorow, your work will give us all strength and a role-model to follow. Bottom-line, God sent us to earth with no money, but he provided us with many blessings. People create land borders and things, God owns the earth, not the people. Your remarkable. I will keep an eye on your blog and always keep you in my prayers (although, God is with you and proud you are showing others how to survive).


  105. What you are doing is truly an inspiration. God Bless You (he does, every moment). You are demonstrating that God is with us all, now and forever, and will provide whatever and whomever is needed to draw us closer to Him. Hang in there. Your friend - Peter.

  106. Suelo,

    I commend you for trying something you think will be a benefit to your own mission in life, but I'm curious. When you need medical attention, and you eventually will, how are you going to be able to receive it without, 1) paying for it, or 2) receiving if for free, thus having someone (all of us) pay for it? I think that is what's flawed about your philosophy. Everything has some form of value, it's just what you can entice someone else to believe that value is and that what you have to offer for what they have is equal in value for both parties, thus a trade is possible. Unless you are getting everything you need to survive from the Earth and the Earth alone, you are in contraindication of your own philosophy. This does not include the scavenging of discarded man-made goods or food as they were created and purchased previously with MONEY, which you say you have no need for. I think what you should do is work hard to live as the Native Americans did, (before Europeans found the continent), but you are going to have to prepare yourself for the inevitability that you may die a painful and agonizing death or survive in pain for a long time, otherwise you are going to have to eventually rely on medical treatment, ref. above statements.

    All the best to you.

  107. Replies

  108. All people have choices. This man is CHOOSING a certain way to live that is different from you. The people who publish rude and hateful comments are those that can't accept a person's personal choice. We don't all have to live the way you do or he does. Accept this man and every man for the choices he makes. He is living a life that is not dependent on anyone, he is not expecting a handout from anyone. He does not rely on social programs to justify his existence. He just IS, leave the guy to live how he wants. Nobody insults you for living your life the way you do.

  109. How inspiring- Namaste my friend

  110. Cool!!! This reminds me of that 70's book (maybe you know of it?) "Possum Living." Same concept. Maybe the library can get it for you to borrow (free). Love this.

  111. OK, Suelo, I have to ask. Do you get laid? Because no sex is a non-starter for me. And women like money. So, how are you getting women if you don't have money or a place they might find reasonably accomodating?

  112. Your story has been published on abc good morning america and yahoo news! i find it interesting a very difficult thing! but in your story i see you refer to your christian upbringing and also other religions! I hope and pray that through this experience you have not lost your soul to any of the false doctrines and pagan religions mentioned. And that you have kept your personal relationship with JESUS the Christ my God and Savior! and that you use this selfless lifestyle to lead others to a relationship with JESUS! Preach the Gospel to all the world! Your are right you can not serve God and mammon ! JESUS IS THE WAY! TRUTH ! LIFE! God Bless and may God be with you on your journey.

  113. Wow! You have stirred people. That's good. Its not the people with accolades, but those who struggle with these concepts, who want to look for your flaws simply because it is hard to embrace truth. There was a period in all of our lives when money was meaningless. I never had to teach my children how to love or love fully. I have taught them about money, it worth and the value we place on it which is temporary and changes.

  114. So... do you believe Jesus is the one, true and living, God and creator of all?

  115. i have thought about doing this, living off the land, but not here in upstate NY. to much rain and to cold and to much snow. I would go south on a island were you could fish and hunt for food.
    Things that hold me back, wife, kids. by the time my girls are out of the house, i doubt that my wife will move to a warmer clement let alone a hermit like island to live off the land. who knows maybe one day ill get what i want and give it a try.

  116. then how do you have a website with no money and live outside???????????????????


  117. I find it interesting that so many people think that just because a path works for them, it proves that path is meant for everyone. I don't understand the people posting comments mocking this man, telling him how to live, telling him what God wants for him. How can you know without doubt what is right for anyone other than yourself? How can you know what God wanted for this man? Happiness is different for everyone. I respect and admire the courage he's shown by making this huge change in order to better his life. Why does everyone find it so necessary to judge other's decisions when those decisions have not had a negative impact on anyone else?

  118. I think that what you are doing is very inspiring. I have imagined doing this very thing before, but I had to keep it a secret because what would people think of me if they found out?? lol. So instead, I just decided to call it 'minimalism'. I am in college and jobless (despite applying EVERYWHERE), so I guess it is not that hard for me to live without my own money. But my grandparents are paying for my school and everything else (btw, i'm an anthro major too). I don't know though whether it is right to be so reliant on someone else (though it's not like I don't try my hardest not to. I would very much rather provide for myself if it is EVER possible. I guess I'm not quite sure what to do, but again, I admire what you do :)

  119. When I first read the Yahoo news article I thought, Seriously what in the hell? However after reading Daniels blog (although it's 5+ years old) I am very much aware of how we all (particularly the negative posters on this blog) rely on material things in this world. No where did Daniel say he doesn't work, he just doesn't work for MONEY. His limited usage of any public works is such a small amount that as a hard working tax payer I have no problem with it and here is why:

    Daniel unlike so many in this nation isn't collecting welfare or medicaid or foodstamps or housing assistance. Let's keep in mind of course (without bias if possible) that many of the people collecting all those government benefits in a lot of cases don't work full time (or at all) and are most likely entitled to a significant amount of whatever taxes they might actually pay to be refunded. In many cases with low income credit they actually get more money back from the government. So basically, we the tax payers are paying them to live for free, eat for free, use a library for free etc etc and at no time are they really contributing anything besides furthering the cycle of continued abuse of the system. Now, here is a man who by every source I've been able to gather (thank you Google!) contributes much of himself to this world, for FREE. Jesus lived simply, virtually without money of any kind, for the simple fact that he wanted to bring the word of God to the world. People were so moved by this they aided his mission. Simple as that. Even if you don't believe in God, or in Jesus believe that kindness and generosity actually do still exist in this world. Before big government, before the almighty dollar ruled (and destroyed) this world life was much simpler. People didn't live beyond their means, they lived off the land and they didn't expect the government to bail them out of anything. So to the naysayers, how is what Daniel is now doing any different than that? It really isn't. I for one would much prefer to have someone like him benefiting in a very small way (literally a few dollars a year) to having to foot the bill for someone else to live high on the hog, free rent, food, healthcare, and now a cell phone (thanks for that one Obama). At least he's contributing to the world by making us all aware how ridiculous we've become because of our constant need for material posessions. I say KUDOS Daniel! Maybe some people can be humbled by your words and life and God Bless. Your life of simplicity is to be envied not ostracized by people too close minded to really "get it".

  120. Suelo, DO YOU...I believe you're the more sane one and we're the more insane. I know gold & silver is talked about in the bible more than anything else so it is in God's plan but He never meant for us to worship it. And that unfortunately is what has happened in America. God created currency to be a resource and not our source, He is our only Source and He shall and does "supply for all of our need according to His riches and glory". I too have had my own journey without money and it hasn't been easy nor anything I would ever wish on anyone else but there have been times where I felt a freedom in it that surpassed even my own understanding. Continue with your plight, we all were made for a purpose and this is yours. The world will soon see what it is to live on God's provision and not man's. May God Continue To Bless You...Amen

  121. I believe a lot people get afraid of things being taken from them and get defensive. I grew up poor and found that those things are just things they do not make me happy and as far as contributing to society everyday is something new I need to do for society and everyday society disappoints me in some way trying to take what I have away so I like his way of thinking and not compromising. I too am afraid when I read about Hitler where were we? Why didn't we save those people,and how are we choosing who we are saving now MONEY!

  122. This is an amazing journey that you are experiencing. I have so much respect to a man who can live without for so many things that are priceless like the love of the lord. You look up to man we all should look up to . Even though my lifestyle i would not be able to live without money but i respect a man who can. GODBLESS

  123. "I do not surrender my treasures, nor do i share them. The fortune of my spirit is not to be blown into coins of brass and flung to the winds as alms for the poor of the spirit. I guard my treasures:my thought, my will, my freedom. And the greatest of these is freedom."
    Ayn Rand

    1. In the real world, however, Rand herself received Social Security payments and Medicare benefits under the name of Ann O'Connor (her husband was Frank O'Connor).

  124. Who pays for the website?


  125. I think this life style is selfish. No goals. No motivation. Kind of purposeless. To me that's not living. That's just surviving.

    I am curios how my wife and my 3-year old would respond, if I would tell him that I am going to quit my job, give up the house, cars and everything I worked for. Move in to a cave and eat out of dumpster. (Yes I worked for it. It was not giving to me).

    I listen to your interview on NPR and I think you are a little Hippocratic. What about when you get old and need medical care. You are claiming now that you rarely get sick. What about in 10 or 20 years or if you fall down and brake your leg (I truly hope not, but what if)..............but what am I thinking.............working people that paying ridicules health insure premium will cover cover your med bill.

    I am sure its good living life never working, but you are mooching of others whether you want to admit it or not. ...............and I am curios who is paying for the blog and ability to get on the Internet? Someone is paying for it, its just not you. And the cave you live in........your may call it FREE. I think that tax payers would strongly disagree.

    Let me assure, there is not such a thing is FREE.

    Your life style got you in the spot light, whether you wanted it or not..............mission accomplished.

    Never-the-less, regardless of you life style, which I think is total BS, I wish you best of luck.

  126. The world will go into extinction? Are you serious? With people like him there would be less people like you. That might be nice!

  127. i think he has a mission, cos he has decided to follow the way of the nature, afteral we met all the goodies in life here on earth, but frankly speaking the BEST thing in LIFE is FREE.

  128. Where is the link for donations? I can give my donation with PAYPAL or VISA...

  129. those of you who judge him without knowing him are a strange do yhou know he does not "work" his work may be in the labor of survival...or work to support his own takes work to sustain your own life..he is not laying on a pillow waiting for you to lay food at his side is he? he states he does not work for money. he has harmed no one yet you leave these hate-filled comments. you who berate him must do so in order to raise your own self above that of another? i am embarrassed to be a part of the lot of you who came here because of yahoo links...i am sorry for you who must attack a person who has done no wrong to you. to the writer of this blog..may your journey lead you along paths that please you and keep you from harm. with kindness and peace, rebeka

  130. How do you run your computer to blog? Just wondering

    1. we pay taxes to fund the Libraries. but He can use facilities with out contributing to the society.



    3. Someone has to pay the bills. And I suppose he walks everywhere and uses no one else. Kind of sounds like an educated BUM!!

  131. He is an anti consumerism activist. He will not survive for Long if he keeps on living off Dumpsters. what if every one else followed his ways there will be no one to give what he is receiving. SUELO go get a job and start teaching.

  132. Why would you feel you have to make the above comment go buy something to make you feel better and so that your wife and kids can love you more lol

  133. Sir,

    As a follower of life, not any one specific god, set of gods, or set of morals or rules, and as a human being, I utterly respect what you are doing. You are truly a stronger man than I, and even though I am following a path set before me by society by going to a university to study, I can connect with what you are doing. If I am ever in the area, I will be sure to see if I can stop by your abode and converse with you; you are a true inspiration. -OV

  134. We all need more suelo in the white house!

  135. Manna from heaven! Fantastic! Do not listen to anyone that wants to judge you. It clearly states in the bible that we are not to judge another person. I think what you are doing may cause fear in people that don't have or undersand true faith in God. May God keep blessing you. Namaste!

  136. Rock on Suelo and continue spreading the Word of Life as it was written thousands of years ago in many different languanges and beliefs. "Judge NOT lest ye be judged" is an excellent way to walk in Life.

    I envy your tenacity and would join you in spirit but my wife will have no part of it.

    Love ya man! P51!

  137. I dont understand why some folks, who are posting on this blog, have a problem with why this man, Suelo, is living his life in this manner? it appears that those who are posting angry comments do so as a way to defend their own materialistic behavior and desires when those very same folks most likely are drowning in debt or are working inside an office cubicle and are completely miserable. Everyone makes their own choices in life this is just Suelo's choice. it certainly doesnt bother me if chooses to live this way. I find his point of view interesting and I am in agreement with his concepts about the down fall of society but, i am unable to follow in his foot steps...i like to use soap and shampoo! there is something to be learned from all of this and to be discovered which is the intent of my comment. the fact that Suelo has a blog is given by and to anyone. the fact he uses a public library is something that is a guaranteed right in this country which is called freedom to learn. I am a "Forbes" but certainly no billionaire and this blog doesnt anger me in the slightest. people should stop casting judgement .

  138. Suelo,
    Hope you resurface again, it looks like it has been years since you last blogged. I couldn't do what you do, but I think it is interesting. Your situation spawns so many questions.

    When you house-sit for people, could this be considered an exchange of your services for their goods?

    How do you feel about Yahoo, Mark Sundeen, and the publishing company all making money off of your story?

  139. You are embeded in this commercial world from the day you were born. There is no escaping it. We are all in some ways part of this system. Like you, I have thougth about commercial corruption many times. As Christian, it only further complicate things. I am at the crossroads. Not sure if I will or can follow your ways. It's an insight nontheless. Good luck to you.

  140. Suelo... How on earth do you have access to internet and electricity if you are just "living off the land"?

    This is a sincere question

  141. Do people not read? He went to India 5 years prior to his moneyless endeavor.

    To all critics of Suelo: so quick to criticize, failing to realize how it makes transparent your own insecurity. Defensiveness and insults are surefire signs of ignorance and self-loathing. Our current infrastructure is contrived, lemmings. And you don't need a master's degree from a top tier institution (which I have, along with $30,000 in student debt) to realize that.

    Suelo's way of life is admirable, and I'm envious of his bravery in liberating himself from the chains of material society. I know there is a better way to life but I'm admittedly "trapped" into this money system, half by my own reluctance to let it go (despite that it is the source of most traces of dissatisfaction in my life). I applaud your enlightened endeavor, and know that in rising above the filth of money and materials, that you also rise above the many critics (and probable overzealous consumers of our earth's precious shared resources) who have nothing better to do than gripe about another man doing a very good thing.

  142. Almost all of the "commentators" have missed the point: This is his life and chosen aim in life beyond the material. Period!

    Life is a sort of classroom and all that can be found there are lessons. You either learn or abide in ignorance.

    Comments, helpful or hateful, are statements about your level of unfoldment or spiritual growth.

    He is living his religion, are you?

  143. Do your thing, sir. If it makes you happy, then be happy. Also, you'll probably be in my thoughts for some time after that yahoo article.





  145. After reading your Blog I understood that you were inspired from "Saadhu's in India".Saadhu's & Sant's in India are the people who are in search of GOD who don't have "Eha" they are wanderers and who do Tapasya (to find God)As their body & soul have only one aim , that is to find God they don't care how they live, and so they don't care about money.India is a place where you can live without money,As Sadhu's are worshiped by common people and people offer them food...Climate is not very bad.But, I wonder how are you able to manage in Utah during winters...:). I appreciate your sprite
